Ohio Northfield St. Barnabas Catholic School
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St. Barnabas Catholic School

9200 Olde 8 Road
Northfield, OH - 44067


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Tuition costs as reported by our users

$3,000 Date added: Aug 18, 2012

About St. Barnabas Catholic School

For the School Year Beginning Fall 2013
I - Tuition and Fees
After completing the school budget, the St. Barnabas Finance Council has approved the tuition and fees shown in the following tables for the 2013/2014 school year.
Tuition and fees may be paid through one of the following plans:
Plan A - Pay the total tuition and fees by 8/12/2013 and qualify for a 3% prompt payment discount. The discount is reflected in the following tables. Families that receive needs-based scholarships are not eligible for the prompt payment discount.
Plan B - Pay half of the total tuition and fees by 8/12/013, and the remaining half by 1/13/2014.
(A 3% convenience fee will be added for Plan A and Plan B tuition payments made by credit card.)
Plan C (Ohio Catholic Federal Credit Union) - Finance the total tuition and fees through the Ohio Catholic Federal Credit Union tuition loan program. The total tuition and fees plus interest, at a fixed rate of 5.99%, are paid in 10 equal monthly installments beginning in August 2013 and ending in May 2014. The OCFCU charges a $75 application fee, not included in the following tables. All families applying for an OCFCU tuition loan are pre-approved. Applications will not be accepted from any family that has previously defaulted on an OCFCU tuition loan.

Supporting Parishioner Tuition & Fees
Plan A 3% Discount:
1 Full Day: $3,554
2 Full Day: $6,476
3 Full Day: $7,981
4 Full Day: $9,476
Plan B:
1 Full Day: $3,665
2 Full Day: $6,675
3 Full Day: $8,230
4 Full Day: $9,770
Plan C Credit Union 10 payments:
1 Full Day: $3,766
2 Full Day: $6,860
3 Full Day: $8,458
4 Full Day: $10,040

Non-Supporting Parishioner Tuition & Fees - Each Full Day Student
Plan A 3% Discount: $3,874
Plan B: $3,995
Plan C Credit Union 10 payments: $4,105

Non-Parishioner Tuition & Fees - Each Full Day Student
Plan A 3% Discount: $4,402
Plan B: $4,535
Plan C Credit Union 10 payments: $4,660

Notes: The technology, playground, PTU, supply, and fund raising fees are included with tuition in the tables above. The fund raising fee can be offset based upon fundraising participation. (see œTuition Reduction Programs  as listed on the following page).

A fifteen dollar ($15) late fee will be added to Plan A and Plan B accounts more than one month in arrears starting one month after the payment due date and continuing every month thereafter. Plan A accounts still carrying an outstanding balance on Sept 9th will forfeit the 3% discount and will be reassigned to Plan B with accrued late fees added to the balance.

II - Financial Aid for Supporting Parishioners
Subsidies contributed by St. Barnabas and Our Lady of Guadalupe reduce the cost of education below the adjusted per pupil cost of $3,782 for supporting parishioner families. A portion of the subsidies has been designated for needs-based scholarships. To be considered for these scholarships as well as Diocesan Endowment Grants, families must complete the Private School Aid Service (PSAS) application, available in January, and mail it with the appropriate application fee to PSAS by March 1st. Where financial hardships exist, including needs that arise during the school year, each Pastor is willing to meet with parents to discuss additional assistance.

III - Tuition Reduction Programs - Fundraising
Fundraising - Families that participate in the fundraisers sponsored by the Parent Fundraising Committee will receive 100% of the net proceeds in the form of credits to reduce tuition for the following school year. The credit for the 2012/2013 school year was approximately $117 per participating family.

IV - Non-Supporting Status
Each Parish in accordance with guidelines established by their respective Pastor and Finance Council will determine non-supporting parishioner status. Each summer the support to the Parish from each parishioner family registering students in the day school for the coming year is evaluated for the previous 18 months. In determining supporting or non-supporting status, Mass attendance, as evidenced by use of offertory collection envelopes, is given prime importance. It is the intent of the Finance Councils to have any reclassification become effective at the start of the school year. Non-supporting status will be reconsidered if appropriate. Non-supporting parishioners are charged the adjusted per pupil cost of education plus fees for each child.

V - Non-Parishioner Status
Non-parishioners are those who are not registered at St. Barnabas, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of Sorrows, or Cosmos and Damian. As such, they are charged the full per pupil cost of education plus fees for each child.

VI - St. Barnabas School Budget Subcommittee Chair
Steven Bittel 330-468-7738

Affiiation: Roman Catholic
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
Number of students: 779
Number of teachers: 45
Financial aid: none available

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