School Tuitions scours the internet to find the most up-to-date information on school costs for your convenience.
School Tuitions by state
- Alaska (76)
- Alabama (472)
- Arkansas (210)
- Arizona (491)
- California (4540)
- Colorado (550)
- Connecticut (468)
- District of Columbia (98)
- Delaware (157)
- Florida (2145)
- Georgia (198)
- Hawaii (16)
- Iowa (292)
- Idaho (31)
- Illinois (430)
- Indiana (682)
- Kansas (248)
- Kentucky (429)
- Louisiana (442)
- Massachusetts (995)
- Maryland (936)
- Maine (182)
- Michigan (1168)
- Minnesota (675)
- Missouri (706)
- Mississippi (255)
- Montana (112)
- North Carolina (717)
- North Dakota (54)
- Nebraska (256)
- New Hampshire (394)
- New Jersey (1503)
- New Mexico (230)
- Nevada (183)
- New York (2356)
- Ohio (1241)
- Oklahoma (208)
- Oregon (486)
- Pennsylvania (2536)
- Rhode Island (193)
- South Carolina (454)
- South Dakota (96)
- Tennessee (596)
- Texas (1690)
- Utah (149)
- Virginia (888)
- Vermont (149)
- Washington (754)
- Wisconsin (1043)
- West Virginia (159)
- Wyoming (43)
Current Tuitions is a user contributed database of private schools (k-12) costs. So many schools decline to publish their tuition costs making it difficult for parents to compare schools and plan their children's education.