Colorado Wheat Ridge

Wheat Ridge, Colorado
School Tuitions

We have listed all of the School Tuitions that we have located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado below.

The average tuition in Wheat Ridge, Colorado for k-12 schools is $1,500 according to the data available on

School Tuitions in Wheat Ridge

Alpine Valley School

4501 Parfet Street
Wheat Ridge, CO - 80033


Beth Eden Baptist School

2600 Wadsworth Blvd
Wheat Ridge, CO - 80033


Colorado Catholic Academy

11180 W 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO - 80033


Foothills Academy

4725 Miller Street
Wheat Ridge, CO - 80033


Sts Peter & Paul

3920 Pierce Street
Wheat Ridge, CO - 80033


Wheat Ridge Christian Academy

6475 W 29th Ave
Wheat Ridge, CO - 80214


Children's Day Preschool

7530 W 38th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO - 80033


*user contributed(unverified)