Maryland Capitol Heights

Capitol Heights, Maryland
School Tuitions

We have listed all of the School Tuitions that we have located in Capitol Heights, Maryland below.

The average tuition in Capitol Heights, Maryland for k-12 schools is $1,180 according to the data available on

School Tuitions in Capitol Heights

S.A.C.R.E.D. Life Academy For Boys

7230 Central Avenue
Capitol Heights, MD - 20743


Children Of Light Christian Ch

201c Ritchie Rd #c3
Capitol Heights, MD - 20743


Florence Bertell Academy Of Prince Georges Cnty

8601 Ashwood Drive
Capitol Heights, MD - 20743


Free Gospel Christian Academy

4703 Marlboro Pike
Capitol Heights, MD - 20743


High Road School Of Prince George's County

8723 Ashwood Drive
Capitol Heights, MD - 20743


*user contributed(unverified)

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