Michigan Monroe

Monroe, Michigan
School Tuitions

We have listed all of the School Tuitions that we have located in Monroe, Michigan below.

The average tuition in Monroe, Michigan for k-12 schools is $2,543 according to the data available on SchoolTuitions.org.

School Tuitions in Monroe

Holy Ghost Lutheran School

3563 Heiss Road
Monroe, MI - 48162


Meadow Montessori School

1670 S Raisinville Road
Monroe, MI - 48161


Moreau Center High School

3500 Comboni Way
Monroe, MI - 48162


St. Michael the Archangel Early Elementary School

510 W Front Street
Monroe, MI - 48161


St. John the Baptist Elementary School

521 S Monroe Street
Monroe, MI - 48161


St. Mary Middle School

151 North Monroe Street
Monroe, MI - 48162


St. Mary Catholic Central

108 W Elm Ave
Monroe, MI - 48162


Trinity Lutheran School

315 Scott Street
Monroe, MI - 48161


Zion Lutheran School

186 Cole Road
Monroe, MI - 48162


*user contributed(unverified)

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