St. Mary Catholic School
Avilla, IN - 46710
About St. Mary Catholic School
2013-2014 School Year
$30 Registration Fee (per family)
Catholic (K-8)
$2,350: One Child
$3,900: Two Children
$4,950: Three or More Children
$170: Book/Technology Fee - K - 8 (per child)
Non-Catholic (K - 8)
$5,000: Per Child
$170: Book/Technology Fee - K - 8 (per child)
$660 Per Child: (3 year old - Tue/Thu)
$900 Per Child: (4 year old - Mon/Wed/Fri)
$60 Book Fee - Preschool (per child)
Any child from a Catholic family is eligible for the Catholic tuition rates. The family
must be a œContributing Member to their Catholic parish. A œContributing Member
is expected to meet ALL THREE criteria:
1. A registered parishioner of St. Mary Parish (Avilla) or other Catholic parish.
2. Supportive to home parish by participating physically (regular attendance at
Sunday Mass) and financially by maintaining a consistent regular contribution.
3. Supportive to home parish and St. Mary School as a volunteer.
Tuition will be revised to that of a Non-Catholic for families that do not meet the
standard for all three criteria.
Tuition assistance is available regardless of parish membership for those who qualify
financially. Please contact the St. Mary principal or pastor for details.
Grades Kindergarten - 8
Number of students: 144
Financial aid: none available