Bethlehem High School
Bardstown, KY - 40004
About Bethlehem High School
Admissions: Tuition & Assistance
Tuition for the 2012-2013 school year is as follows:
1 student -- $6,350
2 students -- $12,200
3 students -- $18,050
Tuition for the year will be paid as follows:
Option 1:
Single payment due on or before July 16, 2012. The amount due reflects $100 per student discount. One student $6,250, two students $12,000, three students $17,750. (Discount does not apply to students receiving financial aid.)
Option 2:
Semi-annual payments with no discount, 1/2 due July 16, 2012 and 1/2 due January 15, 2013.
Option 3:
10 Auto-Withdrawal monthly payments July-April, on either the 5th or 20th of the month. There is no fee for this service. If you choose automatic monthly withdrawal, please return the authorization form by June 1.
Fees for the School Year
Registration: $25
By paying this fee, the parents or guardian indicate that their child will attend Bethlehem. The school uses these commitments to schedule courses, assign teachers and make other necessary plans for the beginning of the school year.
Annual Book Fee/Technology Fee: $200
This includes all textbooks, the use of locks and lockers and maintenance of the computer system available to your students.
Class dues of $25 are an additional fee covering the activities that are a part of each grade\'s Bethlehem experience.
Placement Test Scholarship
$1,000 scholarships are awarded to prospective students scoring in the 98th percentile or better on the Bethlehem placement test.
$750 scholarships are awarded to prospective students scoring in the 95th to 97th percentile on the Bethlehem placement test.
$500 scholarships are awarded to prospective students scoring in the 90th to 94th percentile on the Bethlehem placement test.
How to Apply for Aid
Information and forms are mailed to all families after the test. The deadline is mid-March.
Pre-register your student in March for the upcoming school year.
Actual financial aid awards will be announced in May of each year.
Withdrawal Policies
Students who withdraw from Bethlehem High School are obligated for tuition according to the following:
25% of tuition if the student withdraws prior to October 1, 2012.
50% of tuition if withdrawn from October 1, 2012 through November 30, 2012.
75% of tuition if withdrawn from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013.
100% of tuition if withdrawn after February 1, 2013.
Grades 9 - 12
Number of students: 265
Number of teachers: 22
Financial aid: none available