St. Francis Of Assisi Catholic School
Bend, OR - 97701
About St. Francis Of Assisi Catholic School
Tuition Information
One of Bend's most affordable private school offers a priceless educational experience.
Registration can be completed by going to our home page and click on the Register button.
Registration Fee: Current Families
$250 per student or $500 max. per family before 4/15/13.
$350 per student or $700 max per family after 4/15/13.
Registration Fee: New Families
$350 per student or $700 max. per family.
Pre-K Tuition: Parish and Non-Parish Families
Pre-K 3 8am-noon (3 days per week)T,W,Th: $2950/year ($246/month - 12 months)
Pre-K 4 8am-noon (5 days per week): $4350/year ($363/month - 12 months)
Pre-K 4 all day (8am-3pm, 5 days per week): $5500/year ($458/month - 12 months)
K-Grade 8 Tuition: Parish Families
$4800/year 1 child ($400/month - 12 months)
$9600/year 2 children ($800/month - 12 months)
$12,000/year 3 children ($1,200/month - 12 months)*
$14,400/year 4 children ($1600/month - 12 months)*
K-Grade 8 Tuition: Non-Parish Families
$5500/year 1 child ($458.33/month - 12 months)
$11,000/year 2 children ($916.66/month - 12 months)
$15,125/year 3 children ($1261/month - 12 months)*
$19250/year 4 children ($1604/month - 12 months)*
5% reduction in tuition if the year is paid in full by September 1, 2013.
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
Number of students: 342
Number of teachers: 25
Financial aid: none available