Our Lady Of Mt Carmel School
Boonton, NJ - 07005
About Our Lady Of Mt Carmel School
Parents seeking admission for their children into OLMC are requested to call the office to arrange an appropriate time to register.
Kindergarten registration begins at the end of January. Registration for all other grades and for current families is in February.
For new families, the following materials are required to register a child at OLMC School: birth certificate, baptismal certificate, certificates of any additional sacraments the child received, immunization record, physical exam prior to the beginning of school, completed and signed tuition contract, and non-refundable registration fee.
In addition, the following information is required from the child's previous school: release of records, official transfer, academic record including current report card and standardized test results, health records, and previous school\'s address.
For current families re-registering, the following materials are required: completed and signed tuition contract, registration deposit and Smart Tuition Form. All tuition and fees must be paid prior to the end of the school year in order for a student to be accepted for the following year. Materials are due by March 1st. Re-registrations completed after April 1st will be considered a new family registration, providing space remains in a class, and will require the non-refundable fee plus 10% of tuition.
Registration fees are charged in order to hold a classroom space for a child and to determine faculty requirements. Registration fees are non-refundable. The registration fee will not be refunded if the child(ren) do not attend OLMC when the term begins for which registration has been paid.
2012-13 Tuition Rates
Registration Fee: $150 per child
PreK - Kindergarten
Parish Member: $6025
Non-Parish Member: $6525
1st-8th grade:
Parish Member: $4344
Non-Parish Member: $4844
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
Number of students: 176
Number of teachers: 17
Financial aid: none available