Sanderling Waldorf School
Carlsbad, CA - 92008
About Sanderling Waldorf School
2012-13 School Year (eff. 1/13)
Grades 2-7
Tuition: $11,920
Supply Fee: $500
Registration Fee: $325
Application Fee: $75
Grade 1
Tuition: $11,365
Supply Fee: $500
Registration Fee: $325
Application Fee: $75
5-Day Nursery/Kindergarten
Tuition: $9,635
Supply Fee: $500
Registration Fee: $325
Application Fee: $75
3-Day Nursery/Kindergarten
Tuition: $7,585
Supply Fee: $325
Registration Fee: $325
Application Fee: $75
FAQs - Tuition & Fees
Do you offer sibling discounts?
Sibling discounts of 20 percent for the second child and 40 percent for the third child are applicable to all classes except Parent-Child and Aftercare. We also offer sibling discounts to all children with older siblings currently attending the Waldorf School of San Diego.
When are the fees due?
The $325 registration fee; 10 percent of the annual tuition cost; and a signed tuition contract are due upon enrollment. The supply fee is due June 15 or upon enrollment after that date. These fees are nonrefundable.
What are my payment options?
Annual tuition may be paid in one annual payment (due August 15 of the school year, or upon enrollment), or in monthly installments of nine payments (due August 15 - April 15.) The 10 percent tuition deposit is nonrefundable. Payments are due on the 15th of the month. Any payments received after the 20th of the month must include a $50 late fee.
What if my child starts after the beginning of the school year?
If your child enters the program after the beginning of the year, Sanderling Waldorf School will prorate tuition appropriately. Please note that the registration fee is nonrefundable and payable in full for each student regardless of his/her date of entry into the school.
Is there a trial period?
When families sign the tuition contract, they are legally committing to pay tuition for that student for the entire year. We provide a six-week trial period during which either the student\'s family or the school may find good reason for the child to withdraw. Disenrollment during the six-week trial period releases the family from the responsibility for paying the remainder of the annual tuition. Tuition and fees already paid are nonrefundable. After the trial period, families are responsible for the annual tuition, even in the case of early withdrawal. If the class is full; a replacement student is found; and a 30-day written notice of withdrawal is provided, tuition may be prorated including payment for four weeks of school after receiving the written notice.
Is tuition assistance available?
Tuition assistance may be available for families of students enrolling in our grade-school program. Sanderling Waldorf School believes Waldorf education should be available to families of all economic levels. We also believe that both the school and these families need to stretch their respective budgets to make this possible. Tuition assistance is completely funded by Sanderling Waldorf School\'s tuition revenues and fundraising efforts. We do not receive any funds from any other source to make this program possible. Applications for tuition assistance must be submitted by March 1 or upon enrollment after March 1 of each year. Families receiving tuition assistance must re-apply each year. The school is unable to grant every request for assistance.
Do I have any obligations beyond tuition?
Sanderling Waldorf School is powered by its parent body. Your volunteer participation through community meetings, festivals and other school activities is vital to the health of the school. Nursery/Kindergarten and Grades families are asked to volunteer regularly in various capacities.
Don\'t see your question above? Ask us.
Grades 5 - 5
In operation since 1996
Number of teachers: 2
Financial aid: none available