California Citrus Heights Valley Oak Academy - Antelope
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Valley Oak Academy - Antelope

7730 Antelope Road
Citrus Heights, CA - 95610


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About Valley Oak Academy - Antelope

Valley Oak Academy is the educational component for the total milieu program for students residing in the Paradise Oaks Youth Services residential program. Based on emotional and educational needs, residents are selected from referrals submitted by Mental Health, Health and Human Services, Aid to Adopt and Probation.

Currently contracts are in force with our home district, San Juan Unified, Elk Grove Unified, Galt High School, Sacramento City Unified and River Delta.

Following the graduation standards established by the San Juan Unified School district, students are required to work toward the content standards established by the California State Department of Education. Each student has a current IEP identifying the individual both academically and behaviorally. Grade appropriate texts and supplemental materials are provided.

The San Juan Unified School District's Foster Youth services provide tutoring for identified students.

All students who are 16 years or older are eligible for the Independent Living Program (ILP).

Extracurricular activities include competitive sports teams for football, basketball and softball. Pottery classes are held on Saturdays based on interest and student level. Monthly outings for level 3 and 4 are to Barnes and Noble to purchase appropriate books. Level 4 students are taken to lunch. Assemblies are scheduled throughout the year and include math, science, rainforest wildlife and rope masters.

Individual graduation ceremonies are planned when a student either graduates from the program or high school. All graduating students have passed the High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE).

To address F.A.P.E, an extensive discharge plan is developed. This includes working with the receiving district or Linkage to Education for enrollment in the Los Rios Community College system.

Please contact them directly for tuition prices!

Affiiation: Nonsectarian
Grades 5 - 8
Number of students: 3
Number of teachers: 3
Financial aid: none available

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