Carroll High School
Dayton, OH - 45432
Tuition costs as reported by our users
$2,000 Date added: Dec 12, 2015About Carroll High School
Tuition for the 2012-2013 academic year is $7,250.00.
Be mindful that there are other fees associated with education
including, but not limited to:
Non-Parish Fee $200.00
Lock Fee $5.50
Registration Fee (due in March)
Testing Fees
Freshman $15.00
Sophomore $28.00
Junior $28.00
OGT Workbooks $40.00
Retreat Fees
Junior $ 115.00
PATS Senior (optional) $165.00
Gym Uniform $23.00
Graduation Fee & Senior Service Fee $122.00
Athletic Participation Fees
1st Sport $165.00
2nd Sport $150.00
3rd Sport $140.00
Maximum Annual Family Fee $630.00
This list is not intended to be comprehensive. Some courses may have fees associated with them; see the Program of Studies for courses with fees.
Grades 9 - 12
Number of students: 1000
Number of teachers: 50
Financial aid: none available