Cathedral Preparatory School
Erie, PA - 16501
Tuition costs as reported by our users
$7,670 Date added: Aug 31, 2017About Cathedral Preparatory School
Tuition Costs for 2012/2013
$7,345 total tuition, this includes a tablet PC
An additional $325.00 per non-Catholic student
The actual cost of educating a Cathedral Prep student is $10,845. This means that every student that attends Prep receives a $3,500 scholarship. A quality education is an investment in your son's future. We strive to keep the cost of this investment as low as possible for the families that we serve. The difference between the actual cost and tuition is made up through continual development efforts.
Financial Aid Program
Students that are applying to Cathedral Prep may apply for financial aid. There are two primary sources of financial aid. The Erie Diocese grants awards from the Bishop Assistance plan and from the STAR Foundation. These awards range from $350 - $500. Applications must be submitted directly to the Diocese. Cathedral Prep grants awards from the Cathedral Prep Academic Excellence Foundation and the Cathedral Prep Scholarship Fund (PA Tuition Tax Credit Program). These awards range from $250 to $3500. Only two applications need to be completed; one for both Diocesan grants and one for both Prep grants. To be eligible for Prep grants, you must apply for Diocesan financial aid. Each parent is also encouraged to inquire at their parish or community organization to determine if they offer any financial aid for high school.
Grades 9 - 12
In operation since 1921
Number of students: 580
Number of teachers: 41
Financial aid: 60%