California Escondido Escondido Adventist Academy
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Escondido Adventist Academy

1301 Deodar Road
Escondido, CA - 92026


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About Escondido Adventist Academy

Tuition does not cover the full cost of operating Escondido Adventist Academy. Members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church support Adventist education with substantial church and conference subsidies. Therefore, students and/or families who are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are charged the SDA subsidized rate.

For your convenience, the annual tuition charge is divided into ten installments and billed August through May. The monthly installment plan is designed to help parents spread the cost of tuition over ten months and does not signify the cost of education per month. No refunds will be made for a partial month upon a student's withdrawal. A monthly statement will be sent to the responsible party on the first day of the month.
Tuition is due on the 10th of each month. A late fee of $10.00 per month per student will be charged and family discounts will be forfeited if payment is not in the office by the 25th of each month. A history of checks returned for insufficient funds may result in a request that payments be made in cash or money order.

No account will be allowed to be more than sixty days past due. The student will be placed on economic suspension if the account is not cleared. Students with past due accounts may not be allowed to take exams. Participation in extracurricular activities involving additional costs may be curtailed until the account is paid in full or satisfactory arrangements made. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the school Finance Committee or its designee. Students graduating from 8th or 12th grade will not be allowed to take final exams, participate in graduation, or receive a diploma unless the account is paid in full.

The comprehensive fee covers student accident insurance, technology, yearbook, Home and School Association dues, elementary day field trips and class parties, high school class and student association dues. The comprehensive fee is non refundable after the first ten days of school. For students registering for the second semester only, the comprehensive fee will be pro-rated at 75%.

1-student rate:$5,810
2-student rate:$5,690
3-student rate:$5,580

1-student rate:$6,450
2-student rate:$6,320
3-student rate:$6,190

1-student rate:$8,940
2-student rate:$8,760
3-student rate:$8,580

Seventh-day Adventist Church and Conference Subsidized
1-student rate:$4,300
2-student rate:$4,210
3-student rate:$4,130

1-student rate:$4,710
2-student rate:$4,620
3-student rate:$4,520

1-student rate:$7,140
2-student rate:$7,000
3-student rate:$6,850

TUITION RATES International Students

(All prices subject to change without notice)
Application Fee (New Students):$25
Application & Yearly Maintenance Fee (International Stds):$350
Pre-Registration (All Returning Students):$25 - $100
K-5 Comprehensive Fee:$300
6-8 Comprehensive Fee:$325
9-12 Comprehensive Fee:$500
Comp Fee early bird discount: $100 if registered in full by August 1, 12
High School Electives (Chambers, Bells, Art, Music Ministry, Advanced Computers):$60/sem
Elementary After School Music Programs:$40/sem
PSAT (10th - 11th), PLAN (10th) approx.:$16 each
AP Tests approx.: $88 each
PE Uniforms (Shirt and Shorts):$24
NSF Checks Resubmitted/Returned (each occurrence):$25
Transcript Fee (graduating seniors: first three are free):$10 each

Textbooks for grades 6-12 are to be purchased online. Visit or call the office for details.
Middle School Estimate (6-8):$250-$500
High School Estimate (9-12):$400-$700

Sport fees are billed directly to the student account at the beginning of each season and are non-refundable after the first week.
MSV per sport:$40
Junior Varsity per sport:$125-$175
Varsity per sport:$150-$225

The following are estimates to help you in planning. Some classes have fundraisers to help subsidize the total cost.
8th Grade DC Trip approx.:$1,500
Biology Field Lab approx.:$425
Jr/Sr Bible Conference approx.:$175
Choir and Handbell Festivals approx.:$25-$100
Music Department Uniform approx.:$100
Music Department Tour not to exceed:$450
River Trip (9-12) approx.:$175
Senior Trip not to exceed:$450

Students are not registered until the first month tuition together with the comprehensive fee and all registration documents have been submitted to the office. Students who are registered by August 1 will receive a comprehensive fee early bird discount of $100 each.

A 2% discount is given for families with two children. A 4% discount is given for families with three children. The family discount is reflected in the tuition schedule.

A $300 scholarship will be awarded to a current student who brings a new student to enroll at Escondido Adventist Academy. To qualify, a New Student Referral Incentive form must be completed and returned to the Business Office within two weeks of the new student enrollment. The new student must not have been a previous student at EAA and may not be an immediate family member of the referring student (see New Student Referral Incentive Form for complete details). The referring student will receive half of the scholarship at the beginning of each semester provided the new and the referring students are still in attendance.

All students in grades K-8 who are on campus before 8:00 a.m. and 15 minutes following the end of school, and are not under the direct supervision of an adult, will automatically be sent to HomeStretch. Drop-in rates are $2.00 per ½ hour or any portion thereof. Overtime is $1 per minute. Unlimited monthly daycare is also available for $90 per month, per child, prepaid, overtime not included. Short months will be pro-rated and family discounts are available. Please sign-up with the HomeStretch provider. All HomeStretch charges are included with the monthly tuition statement and are due on the 10th of the month. Operating hours, overtime charges, and prepayment schedule are posted in HomeStretch and available at

Lunches are provided Monday - Friday at the following rates: Regular lunch $3.50, Super Lunch $5.00. Lunches are sold on a pre-paid basis only. A minimum lunch deposit of $70 is required. Parents can access their lunch account through ParentWeb. Lunch credit will not be extended.

Students who require an I-20 to attend school will be charged a non-refundable $350 application fee and a $350 yearly I-20 maintenance fee thereafter. All I-20 students are required to pay the yearly tuition in advance in order to enroll. Tuition is charged per school year and is non-refundable. Family discounts are not applicable. All other fees apply as per schedule. I-20 students are also required to show proof of medical insurance coverage in the United States prior to enrollment. Call the Registrar for details.

Audit students will be charged the same rate as I-20 students. Tuition will be pro-rated on a daily basis according to the length of stay and must be paid in full in order to enroll. Audit student fees are as follows: application fee $100, comprehensive fee $175, elementary book fee $200. Middle and High School books are to be purchased online. All other fees apply as per schedule.

Tuition assistance may be available to qualifying students through the following sources:
SECC Low Income Assistance Program - Southeastern California Conference has funds available based upon family need. Please contact the Business Office for further details.
SECC Ethnic Scholarship - Qualifying churches may apply for assistance for eligible students. Please contact your church pastor or treasurer for further information.
Church Tuition Assistance - Some constituent churches provide tuition assistance to eligible members. Please contact your church pastor or treasurer for further information.
Educational Allowance - Education allowance for qualifying employees may be deducted from the monthly payments if all documentation is on file in the Business Office by registration.
School Financial Aid - Escondido Adventist Academy has limited resources available for qualifying families based on need. Applications are available in the Business Office.
Business Manager contact information:
Corinne Robinson
(760) 746-1800 ext. 256

Affiiation: Seventh-Day Adventist
Grades Kindergarten - 12
In operation since 1903
Number of students: 218
Number of teachers: 20
Financial aid: none available

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