Holy Innocents School Of The Northwest
Federal Way, WA - 98003
About Holy Innocents School Of The Northwest
The total charges are $1800 per year per child. A monthly payment may be paid every month, twelve months a year, as long as the child's enrollment continues.
Additional Fees
There are no additional required fees or charges (except for damage payments). Families whose children are transported to or from the school by the staff members are requested to donate towards the fuel and maintenance costs required to operate the school\'s vehicles for this service.
The following types of scholarships are awarded by the school to certain deserving students.
Saint Thomas Aquinas Scholarship
This is an academic scholarship. It is given annually to the student who has the highest cumulative grade point above 3.50 for the previous year school year. Students in the fifth grade and higher are eligible to win this scholarship.
Saint John Bosco Scholarship
This scholarship rewards good behavior. The student who earns the most behavior points during the course of the school year wins this scholarship for the next year. This scholarship is open to students of any grade level. Students are given behavior points in such categories as politeness, cooperation, attentiveness, study habits, neatness, and prayers.
The Steve Weninger Scholarship
This scholarship is based on overall performance (academics and behavior) and financial need. The faculty discuss candidate recipients of this scholarship and the head master determines the winner.
Sister Mary Henrika, O.P., Partial Scholarship
This scholarship is given in honor of Sister Henrika who was a teacher at this school. The recipient of this scholarship is determined solely by the head master.
Grades Kindergarten - 9
Number of students: 21
Number of teachers: 3
Financial aid: none available