South Carolina Greenwood Calvary Bible Institute
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Calvary Bible Institute

2775 Montague Avenue Ext
Greenwood, SC - 29649


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About Calvary Bible Institute


Having been led of the Holy Spirit to begin Calvary Bible Institute, we have undertaken the task with joy for Christ's sake.

A call to the ministry is a call to prepare. We believe, however, that preparation should be made on spiritual ground and not merely academic. Therefore, we are committed to training that is brief, yet pointed to the task of equipping the student with essential tools of knowledge for the accomplishment of a successful ministry for Christ.

It is our belief that the learning process of the child of God is life-long. This institute is an accelerated beginning place to train for this living pursuit.

We are committed to teaching doctrine that is based on the Bible. It is our only authority. We use only the King James Bible.


Born Again
The things of God are spiritually discerned; therefore each student must be a born-again child of God (I Corinthians 2:9-16).
Church Member
Each student must be a member of a local, Bible-believing church in good standing. Students relocating to attend must attend Calvary Baptist Church of Greenwood. If a student is already a member of another local church and a change becomes necessary, it is understood that the student will become a member of Calvary Baptist Church. Any exceptions must be approved.
Christian Service
All students are required to be active in the service of their church. One of the main purposes of Bible study is to equip the believer to serve Christ (II Timothy 2:15).

Financial Information

The only necessary fees are a $75 tuition fee (per semester) and the purchase of required books. Book fees are due at the time of registration. If this presents hardship, installments can be made. Please make arrangements with the registrar.

Class Schedule
Below are the classes that are being offered this 2012 / 2013 school year:

Bible Doctrines II - 2 semesters

A study of theology dealing with the doctrines of the scriptures, sin, salvation, Satan, and angels.
Book Used: Willmington's Guide to the Bible

History of Israel - 2 semesters

A general survey of the background and content of the books of Joshua through Esther
Book Used: A Survey of Israel's History (Hardcover) by Leon James Wood

Poetical Books Survey - 2 semesters

A general survey of the background and content of the books of Job through Song of Solomon
Book Used: No Text book required.
Student Regulations

It is to be understood that attendance at Calvary Bible Institute is a privilege and not a right. Any employee, faculty, or student who does not maintain the rules and Biblical Christian standards could be expelled with no refunds.

The campus of Calvary Bible Institute and property of Calvary Baptist Church are tobacco free facilities (any form of tobacco).

Calvary Bible Institute upholds the Biblical guidelines of male leadership in the local New Testament church (I Timothy 2:11-14; 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-10). Therefore, Calvary Bible Institute will not participate in training women to be pastors or preachers. We understand that women play an important role in the church but never outside Biblical guidelines.

Affiiation: Baptist
Grades Prekindergarten - 10
Number of students: 116
Number of teachers: 7
Financial aid: none available

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