Holland Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School
Holland, MI - 49423
About Holland Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School
Finances for the 2010-11 School Year
Entrance Fee
The entrance fee is a yearly fee which covers book rentals, insurance, workbooks, and most field trips for your student. It is due at registration. If a student withdraws from school before the first day of school, 80% of the entrance fee will be refunded. If a student withdraws at any time during the school year, the entrance fee is not refunded. Entrance fees are as follows:
$250 per child K-8
Tuition rates are based on 10 monthly payments, September through June. A 6% discount will be given if the entire year's tuition is paid by the first day of school. If a student withdraws from school due to extenuating circumstances, prepaid tuition will be refunded based on the amount of time enrolled. A request for the tuition refund may be either written or verbal.
Monthy Tuition
Holland SDA Church Members
1 Child K-8: $210.00
2 Children K-8: $420.00
3 Children K-8: $630.00
Other SDA Church Members
1 Child K-8: $235.00
2 Children K-8: $470.00
3 Children K-8: $ 715.00
1 Child K-8: $260.00
2 Children K-8: $520.00
3 Children K-8: $780.00
Payment Policy
Tuition will be due by the 20th of each month, September through June (10 payments). An $8.00 late fee will be added after the 20th.
Accounts not paid within 30 days of the due date are considered delinquent. A reminder phone call will be made at this point.
Any student account more than 60 days past due will require a visit to the parent from the treasurer and school board chairman to discuss payment options.
Accounts more than 90 days delinquent will be brought before the school board for discussion and the student will be subject to suspension until appropriate arrangements have been made.
Final report cards will not be issued and cumulative records will not be released to another school until any outstanding bill is paid.
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
Number of students: 36
Number of teachers: 4
Financial aid: 25%