Goodland Academy
Hugo, OK - 74743
About Goodland Academy
This school charges moderate tuition and residential fees. Their tuition is based on a sliding scale that centers around the parent's or guardian's income. They have always been committed to helping those families in need. Financial aid is determined on an individual basis, so please contact the admissions supervisor.
A day student is defined as a student that only attends the private school portion of the school. A residential student is defined as a student that resides in on-campus dormitories and participates in all aspects of their program. The residential portion is open to males only and they live on campus approximately 42 weeks out of the school year. The school is open to both males and females from the surrounding community.
Grades Kindergarten - 12
Number of students: 68
Number of teachers: 10
Financial aid: none available
Anonymous - Feb 1, 2021
I make $1357.00 monthly I have 2 boys that I want to have them stay at school. How much would it be for both?