Providence School
Jacksonville, FL - 32224
About Providence School
Tuition and Fees (2012-2013)
Application Fee: $100.00 non-refundable fee
New Student Registration Fee: $1,000.00 non-refundable fee per student with a family cap of $2,000.00. A portion of this fee will be applied toward your student\'s tuition.
Oldest Child
Tuition: $9,045.00
Monthly Payment July-May: $822.27
Semi-Annual Payment 6/1/12 & 1/4/13: $4,522.50
Annual Payment 6/1/2012 6% discount: $8,507.00
Tuition: $9,575.00
Monthly Payment July-May: $870.45
Semi-Annual Payment 6/1/12 & 1/4/13: $4,787.50
Annual Payment 6/1/2012 6% discount: $9,005.00
Tuition: $10,100.00
Monthly Payment July-May: $918.18
Semi-Annual Payment 6/1/12 & 1/4/13: $5,050.00
Annual Payment 6/1/2012 6% discount: $9,500.00
Additional Siblings (10% discount)
Tuition: $8,148.00
Monthly Payment July-May: $740.73
Semi-Annual Payment 6/1/12 & 1/4/13: $4,074.00
Annual Payment 6/1/2012 6% discount: $7,664.00
Tuition: $8,625.00
Monthly Payment July-May: $784.09
Semi-Annual Payment 6/1/12 & 1/4/13: $4,312.50
Annual Payment 6/1/2012 6% discount: $8,112.00
Tuition: $9,100.00
Monthly Payment July-May: $827.27
Semi-Annual Payment 6/1/12 & 1/4/13: $4,550.00
Annual Payment 6/1/2012 6% discount: $8,560.00
* Tuition does not include textbooks, uniforms, extended day services, lunches, field trips, or athletic fees. Yearbook fee is included in the tuition.
Tuition Payment: (Checks made payable to Providence School)
Annually: Receive a 6% discount if paid in full by June 1, 2012.
Semi-annually: Tuition due June 1, 2012 and January 4, 2013.
Monthly: Monthly (to be paid for eleven months, beginning, July 2012).
Payments can be drawn on either the 5th or 20th of each month through FACTS Management (FACTS will charge an annual fee for management of funds).
Family Discounts:
10% tuition discount for families with two or more children (K-12). The first child in the highest grade is full price. Each child thereafter will receive a 10% tuition discount. Fourth child or more receives 50% tuition discount.
Grades Nursery/Preschool - 12
In operation since 1998
Number of students: 1421
Number of teachers: 80
Financial aid: none available