Bishop Mc Guinness High School
Kernersville, NC - 27284
About Bishop Mc Guinness High School
FEES: (Non-Refundable)
Application Fee/Placement Test One-time fee at initial enrollment: $75
Registration Fee Annual Fee: $125
Student Fees Billed to you in July. Due upon receipt $500-655
Textbooks Direct online purchases by parents in August.
CAPITAL FEE: An annual/per family fee. Paid to the Catholic school where youngest student attends.
NOTE: See reverse for amount due based upon number of years in Catholic school
TUITION SURCHARGE: Catholic parents who are members of parishes which do not pay the full diocesan-specified subsidy will be assessed a $500 per child surcharge in addition to the tuition rates below.
TUITION RATES: Choose preferred payment frequency. These rates do NOT include the Capital Fee noted above.
CHILD 1: $ 7,419
CHILD 2: $ 7,119
CHILD 1: $ 10,227
CHILD 2: $ 9,927
NOTES: 1) Auto Draft Program: Tuition payments are to be electronically drafted from an authorized bank account.
2) Capital Fee: A per family fee billed by the Catholic school where the youngest student is enrolled.
This fee is in addition to the tuition rates above and is paid on the same frequency which tuition is selected.
3) Financial Aid: See reverse for full details on financial assistance.
NOTE: Is first applied to August payment. Follows the same frequency as tuition payment.
4) Student Withdrawal: There are NO refunds for these fees: Applications/Registrations/Student Fees, Capital Fees.
Tuition will be prorated at withdrawal based upon the BMCHS\' Withdrawal Policy.
The JUNE payment is Non-Refundable.
5) Returned Check/Auto Draft Fee: A per occurrence fee of $30 will be charged for ALL returned items not honored.
Beginning with the 2001-02 school year, a capital fee was included in each TRIAD family\'s Catholic school tuition statement.
The fee was recommended by a committee of TRIAD Catholic school educators and parents as a means to provide necessary funding for capital construction of schools. The annual fee for the 2001-02 school year was $708 per family (with children attending grades K-12), with increases planned at the rate of 5% annually. The annual increases
were planned in order to meet the debt service requirements of a bond issue, the proceeds of which were used for the construction of Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School. Based on the repayment schedule, the bond will be repaid in 2017, at which time the capital fee will be discontinued or adjusted to reflect current needs.
Full-time employees of TRIAD schools with children attending TRIAD schools receive a 50% reduction in the capital fee.
Each TRIAD elementary school will retain 12% of the total annual capital fee amount to provide financial assistance for students, and for operating or capital support of their school. In addition, each school retains 4% of the anticipated capital fee proceeds to cover billing and other collection-related costs. The balance of fees payments is used for debt service relating to the bond issue.
For the school year 2012-13, the following capital fee structure for families is:
995 Per family fee with the youngest student attending BMCHS AND if the family paid the TRIAD capital fee when their child (ren) attended Catholic school grades 6, 7, and 8;
Annual = $995
Semester = $498
Monthly = $100
$1,495 Per family fee with the youngest student attending BMCHS AND who did not pay the TRIAD capital fee to a Catholic school for grades 6, 7, and 8.
Annual = $495
Semester = $748
Monthly = $150
Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School strives to provide financial assistance to all needy families each school year.
Our financial assistance is ALL need-based. Sources of funding are:
Parish Subsidies 80% of subsidy monies (Catholic families)
TRACS Annual Appeal: Designated % of funds received
BMCHS Budget $35,000 each year minimum
Winston-Salem Foundation Per their Board\'s allocation
Diocesan Scholarships Per their annual determination
Endowment Funds Per Foundation Investment Policy
BMCHS contracts with the agency Private School Aid Service (PSAS) to receive, review, compare, and advise allocation amounts based upon family-submitted information on their application forms. The due date for these application forms at PSAS is 4/1/12. BMCHS will notify recipients of awarded funding by mid-May. NOTE: BMCHS allocates awarded funds on the same frequency which you elect to pay your tuition for the year (e.g. monthly, semester, etc.)
If a student has been awarded financial assistance and subsequently withdraws from BMCHS, only those funds applicable to the time enrolled will be awarded. The balance of approved funding is forfeited.
Awarded financial assistance can only be used for fuition (no other fees.) Financial aid must be applied for each consecutive year. It does not carry forward from one year to the next. Assistance granted ranges from $1,000 to $4,500 based upon parent need as determined by PSAS. This need can be determined in relation to family income, single parent/head of household status, number of students in school, and other family situations which contribute to identified financial need.
NOTE: NO financial assistance applies to the JUNE payment which is non-refundable and is a part of the entire year\'s tuition. Aid is distributed on the same frequency which you elect to pay tuition. It begins in AUGUST.
Grades 9 - 12
In operation since 1959
Number of students: 545
Number of teachers: 44
Financial aid: 12%