Lansing Baptist School
Lansing, MI - 48910
Tuition range: $1,000 - $1,950
About Lansing Baptist School
Fees (all fees are per student)
New Student Application - $100.00
Matriculation (each semester) - $65.00
Preschool Curriculum Fee (yearly ) - $200.00
Kindergarten Curriculum Fee (yearly) - $250.00
All PACEs (billed monthly) - $3.25 each
Repeat PACE - $4.75 each
Sports Fee (7th and up) - $40.00 per sport
Cap & Gown - $45.00
Graduation - $35.00
PACE fees will be billed each month as they are issued to the student; students of a family who does not pay the monthly PACE fee, or tuition will not be allowed to attend class. No money will be accepted for the current year until last year's bill is paid in full.
Property destroyed through accident or otherwise will be billed to the parents of students responsible for each damage.
NOTE: No student will be allowed to return to school until the previous year is paid.
Tuition Schedule - Yearly/(monthly)
Preschool - $1,000.00/($100.00)
Kindergarten - $1,500.00/($150.00)
1st Child (1st-12th) - $1,950.00/($195.00)
2nd Child (1st-12th) - $1,450.00/($145.00)
3rd Child (1st-12th) - $950.00/($95.00)
4 or more children - check with the school office
Tithing members of Parker Memorial Baptist Church, please stop in the school office for information about your specific tuition.
Tuition payments are based on a 10-month pay schedule with the first payment due September 1 and the final payment due June 1. Each account will be considered delinquent on the 15th of the month payment was due. If your account is delinquent, the student will not be allowed to attend their classes, and a letter will be sent to the parents before said action is taken.
Home School Cost
New Student: $35.00 (application fee)
Record Keeping: $30.00 (per student, per quarter)
Graduation Fee: $35.00 (diploma and cover)
Diagnostic Testing: $15.00
Records Keeping Packet: $6.00
Pace Fees (Shipping is included in the PACE fees)
30 or more PACEs and Keys $2.95
Less than 30 PACEs and Keys $3.25
Grades 1 - 12
Number of students: 32
Number of teachers: 2
Financial aid: none available