California Long Beach Pacific Baptist School
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Pacific Baptist School

3332 Magnolia Avenue
Long Beach, CA - 90806


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About Pacific Baptist School

Important dates to remember regarding registration:
$125.00 per student If paid by June 4-16, 2012
$150.00 per student If paid by June 17-July 1, 2012
$175.00 per student If paid by August 1, 2012
$200.00 per student If paid after August 1, 2012
*Please note that this applies to any student who comes in Sept-May of the school year.
$125.00 per student Who register anytime throughout the year.

Financial Information
Registration Fee:
- $125.00 per student by June 1, 2012, $150.00 per student by July 1, 2012, $175.00 per student by August 1,
2012, and $200.00 after August 1, 2012.

Curriculum Fee:
- $75.00 per student for K4-12th grade for each semester due at the time of registration or you may be billed $20.00 per month over the 10 month billing period totaling $200.00. The teacher may also ask you to purchase additional materials (reading books, etc.) for your student.

Supply Fee (For K4-6):
- $15.00 per year, per student (Due by August 31st). There will be no second, third, or fourth child discounts.

Tuition Payment Plans:
- The full year in advance is given a 7% discount, which is due by August 1st.
- The 10 month payment plan where the first payment is due on August 15th and the last payment is due on May 15th.

- All Junior High and High School students are required to either purchase a locker for the price of $80.00 or they may choose to rent a locker, which they will share with a student for $40.00 per year. Those who decide to purchase a locker may have the use of the locker as long as they are in school.

Athletic Teams will be required to raise additional money before playing on the team:
- $75.00 for Basketball, $40.00 for Volleyball, $35.00 Junior Patriot Basketball, $80.00 for Flag Football
Graduation Fees are as follows:
- $90.00 graduation fee for Seniors.
- $40.00 graduation fee for 8th grade.
- $30.00 graduation fee for K5.

Miscellaneous Information:
- There is a $25.00 charge for any returned check. After 2 checks returned, the school will not be able to accept checks from you. You will need to pay with cash, money order, or cashier's check.
- Payments that are not made by the 1st of the following month (10 month payment plan), will be considered overdue and a late fee of $25.00 will be added to the school bill.
- If a student's bill is not paid by the 15th of the month, he/she will not be allowed to attend class that following school day, regardless of the amount owed.
- If a student's bill is not paid by the 1st of the month (13-16 days after the original due date), he/she will not be allowed to attend class the following school day, regardless of the amount owed.
- If a student goes on vacation or is out of state for a few weeks, or months, he/she is still responsible for the school payment(s), regardless of how may days the student actually attended class.
- There will be a few additional fees during the year (ex. Intramural sports, BB tournaments for the boys, PE shorts for elementary boys), which we will let you know of as soon as possible.

2012-2013 Tuition
Non-Membership Tuition
1st Child
Per Year:$5468.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$547.00
2nd Child
Per Year:$3649.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$365.00
3rd Child
Per Year:$2729.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$273.00
4th Child+
Per Year:$2324.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$232.00
- Students are required to attend both Sunday services and SS.

Membership Tuition
1st Child
Per Year:$3809.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$381.00
2nd Child
Per Year:$2975.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$298.00
3rd Child
Per Year:$2600.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$260.00
4th Child+
Per Year:$2076.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$208.00
- Parents are required to attend a minimum of SS Class and four (4) Sunday AM services per month.
- Students are required to attend all services, including SS, go soul-winning weekly (6th-12th).

Fundraiser Membership Tuition
1st Child
Per Year:$3649.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$365.00
2nd Child
Per Year:$2814.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$282.00
3rd Child
Per Year:$2440.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$244.00
4th Child+
Per Year:$1915.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$192.00
- Parents are required to attend a minimum of SS class and four (4) Sunday AM services per month.
- Students are required to attend all services, including SS, go soul-winning weekly (6th-12th), and participate in the fundraiser each semester.

Team Members Tuition
1st Child
Per Year:$2814.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$281.00
2nd Child
Per Year:$1712.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$171.00
3rd Child
Per Year:$1273.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$127.00
4th Child+
Per Year:$1006.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$101.00
- Parents are required to attend discipleship class, a minimum of ten (10) services per month, and tithe.
- Students are required to attend all services, including SS, go soul-winning weekly (6th-12th).

Fundraiser Team Members Tuition
1st Child
Per Year:$2654.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$265.00
2nd Child
Per Year:$1552.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$155.00
3rd Child
Per Year:$1113.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$111.00
4th Child+
Per Year:$845.00
Per Month (for 10 months)**:$85.00
- Parents are required to attend discipleship class, a minimum of ten (10) services per month, and tithe.
- Students are required to attend all services, including SS, go soul-winning weekly (6th-12th), and participate in the fundraiser each semester.

Affiiation: Baptist
Grades Prekindergarten - 12
Number of students: 142
Number of teachers: 13
Financial aid: none available

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