Salem Lutheran School
Loretto, MN - 55357
Tuition range: $800 - $4,430
About Salem Lutheran School
First Child: Monthly $109.00, Yearly $981.00
Each Additional Child: Monthly $74.00, Yearly $666.00
Kindergarten Child: Monthly $74.00, Yearly $666.00
Per-K Child: Monthly $80.00, Yearly $720.00
First Child: Monthly $292.00, Yearly $2,628.00
Each Additional Child: Monthly $200.00, Yearly $1,800.00 0
Kindergarten Child: Monthly $162.00, Yearly $1,458.00
Additional Kindergarten Child: Monthly $104.00, Yearly $936.00
Per-K Child: Monthly $85.00, Yearly $765.00
Non-WELS/Non ELS Churches
First Child: Monthly $443.00, Yearly $3,987.00
Each Additional Child: Monthly $314.00, Yearly $2,826.00
Kindergarten Child: Monthly $292.00, Yearly $2,628.00
Additional Kindergarten Child: Monthly $213.00, Yearly $1,917.00
Per-K Child: Monthly $100.00, Yearly $900.00
PreK parents pay only the monthly fee. All supplies, milk and books are included in this fee.
Fees Price:
Registration Fee: Each Child (This fee helps pay for supplies for school ¦ not tuition): $110.00
(May have been paid in spring - will be automatically credited to your current account.)
Milk Fee: Each Child $10.00
(We are in the state milk program so we will only be providing milk - chocolate & white 1% - but at a smaller cost.)
(All parents in the school family are considered to be members of PTC. The fee is used to fund various items and activities for the children of our school, such as: sports equipment and uniforms, playground equipment, awards, gifts for coaches and mother-helpers, buses for field trips, etc.)
When parents volunteer for two concession stand shifts at the time of sign up, they will be refunded $25.00 when basketball season is over.
Technology Fund Fee: Each Child $25.00
This fee goes towards the support and maintenance of School technology.
Book Fees:
BIBLE (NIV) Grades 3 - 8: $13.00
CHRISTIAN WORSHIP (Hymnal) Grades 1 - 8: $21.50
FAITH FOUNDATIONS (Catechism) Grades 5 - 6: $18.00
LUTHER'S CATECHISM (Blue) Grades 7 - 8: $18.00
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
In operation since 1954
Number of students: 100
Number of teachers: 5
Financial aid: none available