California Los Altos Canterbury Christian School
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Canterbury Christian School

101 North El Monte Road
Los Altos, CA - 94022


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About Canterbury Christian School

Tuition and Fees for the 2012-2013 School Year
Canterbury is a non-profit organization which receives neither federal funding nor endowments from other organizations. The school is financed by tuition (not tax-deductible) and any contributions (tax-deductible) that may be received.

Registration (due February, 2012):
Kindergarten: $275 per child
1st-6th: $350 per child

Kindergarten: $610 (10 monthly payments)
1st-6th: $710 (10 monthly payments)

Book Fees
Kindergarten: $125 per child
1st-2nd: $250 per child
3rd-6th: $275 per child

God\'s World Newsletter
K-6th: $8.25 per child

Buildings & Grounds: $50 per family

Payment Schedule
1. Book fees and Building & Grounds fees are due by July 10.
2. The first tuition payment is due August 1st.
3. Succeeding tuition payments are due on the 1st of each month.
4. After the 5th of each month, a $10.00 late fee will be charged.
5. There will be a $10.00 charge on any returned check.
6. If an account is in arrears 60 days, a student is subject to dismissal.

1. There is a 5% discount for annual and semestral tuition payments.
2. Discounts for families with more than one child enrolled include:

20% discount for the 2nd child

30% discount for the third child

10% discount for ministers

Affiiation: Other
Grades Kindergarten - 6
Number of students: 96
Number of teachers: 11
Financial aid: none available

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