California Los Altos Miramonte School
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Miramonte School

1175 Altamead Drive
Los Altos, CA - 94024


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About Miramonte School


Miramonte School serves an ethnically and socially diverse student body. Our classrooms are open to any family committed to a solid and sound Christian educational learning experience for a child. For over 80 years our open-enrollment policy has brought together children from all walks of life, ethnic origin, and social status. As they learn together, play together, and pray together, children not only acquire an excellent education; they also learn core spiritual and moral values that will guide them through life.

Applications for all grades must be completed and an admissions fee paid to start the admissions process. The admission process for new and transferring students generally requires

Verification of prior academic status and achievement.
Completion of a proficiency exam.
Letters of recommendation.
Student and Parent/Guardian interview with the Principal and Admissions Committee.

Re-applications for the Fall school year are available in early February, and due no later than March 15. The Admission Committee generally makes returning student acceptance decisions by April 15. New student applications should be made as early as possible. Mid-year admissions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Tuition and Fees for the 2010/2011 School Year Top
Kindergarten thru Grade 5 . . . $6,090.00, Grade 6 thru Grade 8 . . . $6,340.00

Application Fee
Kindergarten thru Grade 5 . . . $125.00, Grade 6 thru Grade 8 . . . $125.00

Registration Fee
Kindergarten thru Grade 5 . . . $350.00, Grade 6 thru Grade 8 . . . $350.00

Contact the school office for additional information or download registration forms here. Tuition may be paid in 10 monthly payments or on a semester pre-payment plan that includes a 3% tuition discount.

Parents who are members of organizations or churches affiliated with Miramonte School may qualify for financial assistance supported by these organizations. The following is a partial list of related organizations that provide financial assistance: Central California Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, Los Altos SDA Church, Mountain View Central Church, Mountain View Japanese Church, Mountain View Korean Church, Mountain View Hispanic Church, Palo Alto SDA Church, East Palo Alto Adventist Church, Redwood City Adventist Church, and South Bay Chinese Adventist Church.

Affiiation: Seventh-Day Adventist
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
Number of students: 183
Number of teachers: 10
Financial aid: none available

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