California Los Angeles Assumption School
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Assumption School

3016 Winter Street
Los Angeles, CA - 90063


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About Assumption School

2012 - 2013 Tuition & Fees
(Information on this page is for 2012 - 2013 school year)
Tuition Plan I Cost Per Pupil:
Registration Fee (Non-Refundable)..............50.00
General Fees: (Non-Refundable).................250.00 (Book Rental, Materials, Technology)
(Registration and General Fees must be paid by April 15, 2012/Registracion y Cargos Generales deben pagarse para abril 15, 2012)
Tuition........................4,125............................. Tuition Monthly Installment: 375.00
The amount is to be paid in full or in 11 monthly installments. By electing Plan I, families are not required to meet any mandatory fundraising obligations and service hours. In addition, it is stated that Assumption School in no way is obligated to issue any items for the fundraising activities issued to those families that elect Plan I.
Tuition Plan II/Service Hours and Fundraising Obligations Required:
                                                           1 Pupil 2 Pupils 3 Pupils 4 Pupils
Registration Fee (Non-Refundable)     50.00     100.00     150.00     200.00
General Fees (Non-Refundable)     250.00     500.00     750.00     1,000.00
(Book Rental, Materials, Technology)
(Registration and General Fees must be paid by April 15, 2012/Registracion y Cargos Generales deben pagarse para el 15 de abril del 2012)

Tuition     3,025.00     4,475.00     5,200.00     5,865.00
Tuition Monthly Installment:     275.00     406.82     472.73     533.19
Tuition rates as indicated above in accordance with the number of children enrolled. In addition, the parents or legal guardians must fulfill 30 hours of service per school year per family as well as all mandatory fundraisers. If service hours are not completed each hour will be charged at a rate of $10.00 per hour. El costo de colegiatura se indica arriba conformea la cantidad de ninos matriculados en la familia. Adicionalmente, padres o tutores legales deben cumplir con 30 horas de servicio por ano al igual que todos los eventos de recaudacion de fondos obligatorios. Se cobrara $10 por hora de servicio que no se cumpla.

Fundraiser Events/Eventos de Recaudacion de Fondos
Category/Categori­a     No of Children /No. de ninos     Obligation/Obligacion
Winter Raffle     Per child     $125.00
Chocolates     Per child     $150.00
Avon     Per Family     $200.00
Walkathon     Per child     $75.00
Spring Tardeada/Raffle     1     $150.00
(Tardeada/Rifa de primavera)     2 or more     $200.00
Tuition payments- Tuition for the school year is based on 200 days of instruction.  If you choose to pay in full you qualify for a 5% discount if paid by August 10, 2012 or you may pay in 11monthly installments through the F.A.C.T.S. Tuition Management Program and pay on the 5th or the 20th of each month. Monthly payments begin on August 2012 and end on June 2013. Families that have a child in the 8th grade must pay their accounts in full in 10 monthly payments.
Pagos de Colegiatura- La colegiatura esta basada en 200 dias de instruccion. Si paga en su totalidad para el 10 de agosto del 2012 usted califica para un descuento del 5% o tiene la opcion de pagar en mensualidades de 11 meses, haciendo sus pagos por medio del Programa de F.A.C.T.S., Manejo de Colegiatura. Puede elejir sus pagos el di­a 5 o el 20 de cada mes. Los pagos mensuales empiezan en agosto del 2012 y terminan en junio del 2013. Familias que tienen hijo(s) en el 8vo grado deben pagar su cuenta en su totalidad en 10 mensualidades.
Late fees- A $25.00 late fee will be assessed when payment for tuition or any other fundraising obligation is not met by the specified due date.     
Cargo por pagar tarde- Habra un cargo de $25.00 si el pago de colegiatura u otros cargos como los de recaudar fondos no sean recibidos para la fecha especificada.
Parish Support/Apoyo de Parroquia (Required by all school families/Requerido por todas las familias)
$200.00 Total - Payments of $20.00 per month/ Total $200.00 - pagos de $20.00 por mes.
Optional Fees (The following fees apply only when your child is participating/Estos cargos aplican solo cuando participa su hijo(a).)
    Sports Program Fee/Cargo de Programa de Deportes  $55.00 per student (Due with sports application before the child starts practicing for the sport/Debe pagarse junto con la aplicacion antes de iniciar la practica.)
    First Holy Communion Fee/Primera Comunion $100.00
    Graduation Fee/Cargo de Graduacion ¦  $130.00
Summary of parent school obligations/Resumen de obligaciones de padres de familia hacia la escuela
    Cooperate with all school regulations and policies/Cooperar con todas las reglas y polizas de la escuela.
    Maintain the uniform code/Mantener el codigo de uniforme.
    Attend the scheduled Parent Meetings (A $25.00 fine will be assessed for no attendance.)/Asistir a las juntas de Padres (Habra un cargo de $25.00 si no se presenta)
    Comply with all scheduled tuition installments and fundraisers/Cumplir con todos los eventos de recaudar fondos que esten programados.

Affiiation: Roman Catholic
Grades Kindergarten - 8
In operation since 2000
Number of students: 160
Financial aid: none available

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