California Los Angeles Bais Chana High School
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Bais Chana High School

9017 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA - 90035
(310) 278-8995


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About Bais Chana High School

Tuition and Fees
Registration Fee  (Due at the time of Registration ~ Non-refundable) : $500
Tuition    $1,300 a month September 2009 - June 2010     $13,000
Buidling Fee     Per Year due June 1, 2009     $2,000
Book Fee     Due June 1, 2009      $200
Dorm Fee     Due June 1, 2009     $5,500
Grade 9 Art Fee     Due June 1, 2009     $50

Registration Fee
$500 to be paid separate from tuition. Pay the Registration Fee prior to June 1, 2009 to ensure a space for your daughter and  receive a $100 discount on each Registration Fee. This is a non-refundable able fee.
Tuition may only be paid using one of the following payment plans:
    FULL PAYMENT - Under this plan the entire amount of tuition and fees is paid on or before June 30, 2009. This payment is paid directly to the school.
    MONTHLY PAYMENTS through FACTS Tuition Management Company - With this plan monthly installments are made using the FACTS Payment Agreement form. Those choosing this plan authorize their bank account or credit card to be debited for 10 months (September 2009 - June 2010). FACTS has an annual fee of $41.00 per family. They accept American Express, Discover or MasterCard for an additional fee of 2.5%. The form must be completed, signed and returned to the Bais Chana Registrar by June 25, 2009.  
Building Fund
We are well established in our current High School facility. There are 12 spacious classrooms and all the amenities appropriate for a high school learning environment. Each family must contribute a total of $8,000.00 over four years to help defray the costs of upgrading.
General Studies Book Fee
$200 per High School Student. To be paid separate from tuition. Due at the time of registration.
 9th Grade Art Fee
$50.00 per High School Student entering the 9th Grade. To be paid separate from tuition. Due at the time of registration.
Late Enrollment Fee
$100 - To avoid a late fee, enrollment must be completed no later than June 30, 2009. Enrollment is not considered complete until all fees have been paid, tuition has been paid in full or FACTS Payment Agreement is submitted and all other required documents have been completed, signed and submitted to the Bais Chana Registrar.
A $35 fee will be added to your enrollment fees for returned checks.
Fees may be paid by credit card. A service/processing fee of 3% will be added to the amount at the time your card is debitted.

Affiiation: Jewish
Grades 9 - 12
In operation since 2000
Number of students: 88
Number of teachers: 16
Financial aid: none available

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