St. Timothy School
Los Angeles, CA - 90064
About St. Timothy School
Fee Schedule 2010-2011 Year
Application Fee: $75 ($20 late fee)
(cash, check or money order payable to St. Timothy School, due at receipt of application))
Enrollment Fee: $450 per child annually
Pre-K Rate: $8,800* per child annually
Tuition rate reduced by $100 if paid in full by September 1st
Parishioner Rate K-8: $6,800* per child annually
Tuition rate reduced by $100 if paid in full by September 1st
Non-Parishioner Rate K-8: $8,500* per child annually
Tuition rate reduced by $100 if paid in full by September 1st
* Tuition rate subject to change.
Other required payments include:
1. PTO dues of $50 due by September 24, 2012. Families who submit payment after October 1, 2012 will be assessed a $25 penalty.
2. Required fundraising of $300, comprised of $200 in QSP (candy/gift wrap) fundraiser sales (or $100 and $200 in raffle ticket sales for \"Raffle Mania 2011\".
3. Thirty (30) Service Hours throughout the school year. Of the total 30 service hours, the first fifteen (15) hours of service must be completed by December 31, 2012 and the remaining fifteen (15) hours of service must be completed by May 15, 2013. Families will incur a charge of $15.00 per hour not completed by the specified deadline. Service Hours requirements are subject to change prior to the beginning of the school year pending a review of the Service Hours program. .
4. There are three (3) required meetings per school year. A minimum of one (1) parent/guardian/ family representative is required to attend all of the following three meetings: Back to School Night, Principal\'s Social, and Spring PTO Meeting. Failure to attend the meetings as described above will result in a $50 fee per unattended meeting.
These obligations are per family, not per child.
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
In operation since 1958
Number of students: 180
Number of teachers: 13
Financial aid: none available