Summit Academy Of Greater Louisville
11508 Main Street
Louisville, KY - 40243
Louisville, KY - 40243
About Summit Academy Of Greater Louisville
Summit Academy is specifically designed for children who have average to above-average aptitude for learning, but have not met with academic, social, and/or organizational success in a mainstream educational setting. However, Summit Academy prides itself on considering the whole child during their admissions process. They take risks for children, and have had great success in educating students that other schools may not consider.
Tuition prices for 2012-13
PreK-K: 1/2 day $7200 a yr
PreK-K: full day program $10,200 a yr
Grade 1 - 8: $14,500 a yr
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
In operation since 1992
Number of students: 114
Number of teachers: 28
Financial aid: 34%