California Menlo Park The Phillips Brooks School
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The Phillips Brooks School

2245 Avy Avenue
Menlo Park, CA - 94025


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About The Phillips Brooks School

Admission Overview

Thank you for your interest in The Phillips Brooks School. The information below provides a broad overview of our school and our admission process. To initiate the admission process, please complete the Application for Admission and Parent/Guardian Statement and provide these materials to the Admission Office by post, fax or email. Applications to the ELC through Grade 5 for the 2013-2014 school year are due by January 11, 2013, although we do accept students on a rolling basis if spaces develop. Please refer to the Admissions Procedures page for more details. We look forward to meeting you!
Grades & Levels
Early Learning Center

Room A (3 years old, by September 1)
Room B (4 years old, by September 1)
Lower School

Kindergarten (5 years old, by September 1)*
Grades 1-2
*September 1 is a guideline for Kindergarten admissions. We will accept applications and assess readiness for birthdays falling after this date. Please call the Admission Office with any questions.
Upper School

Grades 3-5
Criteria for Admission

During the screening process for ELC and Kindergarten, the Admission Committee pays close attention to the following:

a correlation between the school\'s philosophy and the goals of the parents
developmental readiness
social-emotional development
the ability of the school to meet the needs of the child

In addition to the above criteria, we assess applicants in Grades 1 through 5 for learning style and aptitude, academic achievement, and motivation.
Tuition & Fees

Fees for the current school year are:

Application Fee (non-refundable): $85
2012-2013 Tuition

ELC Room A: $15,200.00
ELC Room B: $19,200.00
Kindergarten - Grade 5: $26,850.00

Financial Assistance
Central to The Phillips Brooks School\'s mission is a commitment to socio-economic diversity among its students. To fulfill this commitment, the School maintains financial assistance funds and seeks to ensure that a Phillips Brooks education remains accessible to qualified students. Financial assistance applications (PFS) are mailed to applicants upon request.

Application Deadline
Please return the completed application forms to PBS (and return financial assistance forms to NAIS School and Student Services SSS, if applying) by January 11, 2013. Decisions will be mailed on March 14, 2013.

School bus transportation is not provided, but many families carpool from surrounding areas stretching from San Francisco to San Jose. The School provides carpool information to all enrolled families.
Lunch Program

Children in Kindergarten through Grade 5 are expected to bring a lunch, snack, and drink to school. Pre-ordered lunches (optional) are organized by the Parents\' Association for a fee.
School Hours

Kindergarten and Grade 1

Grades 2 and 3

Grades 4 and 5

Morning ELC Program
8:20-11:20 M-Th (Rm A)
8:20-11:20 M-F (Rm B)

Afternoon ELC Program
12:30-3:30 M-Th (Rm A)
12:30-3:30 M-Th and 8:20-11:20 Friday (Rm B)

*Friday dismissal is at 2:05 pm for Kindergarten and Grade 1, 2:10 pm for Grades 2 and 3, and 2:20 pm for Grades 4 and 5.

Uniforms, with multiple options, are required for all children in Kindergarten through Grade 5. Information regarding uniforms is mailed to all parents during the early part of the summer.
Parent Association

An active Parents\' Association meets regularly and gives support to the School through such activities as volunteering on campus as needed, staffing the library, recycling, selling uniforms, serving hot lunch and fund-raising. Room parents also help by driving and helping organize class trips, and helping with other classroom and/or school events.
Optional Programs

Optional programs are available for children in Kindergarten and above. Programs for the 2012-2013 school year include:
Extended Morning Care

Monday - Friday 7:30 am- 8:15 am (no charge)
After school program and enrichment programs
(please call the Business Office for pricing)

Monday - Thursday 3:10 pm - 6:00 pm and Friday 2:10pm - 6:00pm

Drop-in care is available on an emergency basis.

Affiiation: Nonsectarian
Grades Prekindergarten - 5
In operation since 1978
Number of students: 276
Number of teachers: 35
Financial aid: none available

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