California Mill Valley Ring Mountain Day School
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Ring Mountain Day School

70 Lomita Drive
Mill Valley, CA - 94941


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About Ring Mountain Day School

Annual Tuition 2013-2014
Elementary, Grades K-4 Mon-Fri 8:30-3:15: $24,500
Middle School, Grades 5-6 Mon-Fri 8:30-3:30: $25,500
Middle School, Grades 7-8 Mon-Fri 8:30-3:30: $25,500

Material fees and Aftercare
Elementary/Middle Annual Fee Materiala/Technology: $550
Elementary/Middle Annual Facilities Fee: $550
Elementary Aftercare Mon-Fri 3-6 pm: $25 per day
Elementary Before Care Available at 8:00am: No Charge

Tuition Assistance
Thank you for your interest in the Ring Mountain Day School community. Tuition assistance is available for K-8 students, based solely on financial need. Approximately 17% of RMDS students receive some level of tuition assistance. Admissions decisions are independent of tuition assistance consideration. Applying for tuition assistance is very date-sensitive, so please pay close attention to deadlines.

As a subscriber to the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), RMDS uses a national service to gather and evaluate tuition assistance applications. In order to apply for tuition assistance, you must submit the Parent Financial Statement (PFS) online at NAIS. The website will guide you through the application process. You will be prompted to enter the Ring Mountain Day School code which is 4281. If you are applying to multiple independent schools, you need only complete the PFS once, being sure to enter the codes for all schools to which you are applying. If you have any questions regarding the PFS online, please call the SSS Helpline toll free at (866) 387-2601. If for some reason, you are not able to use the PFS online, please contact our Admissions Office for a paper version of the application. In addition, each family must also submit a copy of their completed PFS along with copies of Federal tax returns, for last year and the current year, to the RMDS Business Office by the required deadlines to be considered for tuition assistance for the following academic year.

Use this checklist to ensure that you complete all requirements:
By January 17th, 2013:
Submit completed Parent Financial Statement (PFS) to School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS). We encourage online submission for timely processing.
Deliver to Ring Mountain Day School Business Office the following:
A copy of the PFS that you submitted to SSS.
A complete copy of your signed and filed Federal tax return(s) with all schedules and attachments, including all W2s and 1099s from last year.

By February 15th, 2013:
Deliver to the RMDS Business Office a complete copy of your signed and filed Federal tax return(s) with all schedules and attachments, including all W2s and 1099s for the current year. An extension to file your tax return does not qualify as a filed tax return and cannot be accepted.

For divorced, separated or never married parents, a PFS and tax returns from each parent are required.

Tuition assistance award letters will be mailed on March 15th, 2013.

You may also apply for a Bay Area Scholarship at the Basic Fund. The application website is

Affiiation: Nonsectarian
Grades Nursery/Preschool - 8
In operation since 1976
Number of students: 125
Number of teachers: 30
Financial aid: none available

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