Milwaukie Covenant Preschool
Milwaukie, OR - 97222
About Milwaukie Covenant Preschool
Fees 2012-2013
4 year olds Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:00-11:30 AM: $108/mo.
3/4 year combined Monday/Wednesday/Friday Noon-2:30 PM: $108/mo.
3 year olds Tuesday/Thursday 9:00-11:30 AM: $82/mo.
Please call Missy Moore (Preschool Director) at 503-654-4138 or email Missy with any questions regarding our program.
Please Note: A spot is secured after the registration form with the $50 registration fee is turned in.
Milwaukie Covenant Preschool began over 40 years ago when a few Milwaukie Covenant preschool moms had a desire for community children to be able to go to a Christian preschool. The program has 5 classes totalling 65 children!
Our goal is to give children a positive early education experience in a nurturing environment. Our curriculum includes academic as well as social and spiritual goals. We have a Bible story once a week and emphasize Christian values in our teaching. Our classes are limited to 15 for 4 year olds and 20 for 3 year olds with an assistant. We have a large outdoor play structure, as well as an indoor play facility for rainy days. Our teachers all have elementary education or child development degrees and many years of experience and a true love of working with preschool aged children.
Grades Prekindergarten - Prekindergarten
Number of students: 60
Financial aid: none available