California Mission Viejo Carden Academy
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Carden Academy

24741 Chrisanta Drive
Mission Viejo, CA - 92691


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About Carden Academy

Application Process
Please complete and submit an application along with a non-refundable student evaluation fee of $100. Receipt of these items will initiate the application process. Parents will subsequently be notified of upcoming new student evaluation dates.
For all grades, acceptance to Carden Academy is based on the results of a developmental screening and comprehensive evaluation of each student by a trained and experienced Carden teacher. All information gathered during the evaluation process is thoroughly discussed with the parents but is otherwise held in confidence. Carden Academy offers guidelines to help parents develop their child\'s kindergarten readiness.
Carden Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, family structure, national and/or ethnic origin in our admissions policy or educational programs.
Any student entering Carden Academy above the level of Junior Primary will be required to attend our summer school program. Some exceptions may be made for students transferring from other Carden schools.

Schedule of Fees. Carden Academy strives to be a tuition-supported school. There are no hidden fees, no required donations, and no mandatory service hours for parents. Contributions to fundraising campaigns are strictly voluntary.
Academic Year 2012-2013

New Student Evaluation: $100 on scheduled Saturday testing day, $125 by appointment, $150 with all-day classroom visit

Annual Enrollment Fee (non-refundable): $600 or $500 if received by stated due date

Tuition: $8,950 (all grade levels)
Tuition may be paid in 1, 2, 10, or 12 equal payments
School hours (classroom time): 7:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Morning Enrichment: 7:00 - 7:45 a.m. free of charge

Book Use and Supplies
$400 (Junior Primary through Fifth Grade)
$500 (Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade)

Annual Tuition Insurance
2% of tuition (required for those paying in multiple installments)

Summer School Tuition (required for new students entering First Grade and up)
$600 First and Second Grade (July 16 - August 10, 8:30 to Noon)
$700 Third and Fourth Grade (July 2 - August 10, 8:30 to Noon)
$800 Fifth Grade and up (July 2 - August 10, 8:30 to Noon)

Extended Day Fees
Extended Day hours: 2:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
$1,980 Annual Payment Plan is available for those participating on an everyday basis and staying after 5pm.

Daily Use: Extended Day service will be provided at the following rates:
$2.00 per quarter hour for the first hour beginning at 3:15pm
$4.00 per hour or partial hour thereafter
$1.00 per minute for each child picked up after 6pm

Daily Use Example:
2:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. = $6.00
4:00 p.m.+ = $10.00
5:00 p.m.+ = $14.00

Other Fees and Costs
School Uniforms
Classroom Activities
Field Trips
Hot Lunch Service
Second set of books for Fifth through Eighth Grade

Affiiation: Nonsectarian
Grades Kindergarten - 8
In operation since 1994
Number of students: 237
Number of teachers: 23
Financial aid: none available

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