California Monrovia Immaculate Conception School
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Immaculate Conception School

726 S Shamrock Avenue
Monrovia, CA - 91016


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About Immaculate Conception School

The Tuition Rates for 2012-2013 school year as follows:
Supporting Parish Member:

1 Child Family - $4,091.00
2 Child Family - $6,381.00
3 Child Family - $8,505.00

Non-Supporting Parish Member:

1 Child Family - $5,471.00
2 Child Family - $8,226.00
3 Child Family - $11,250.00

To have the benefit of the In-Parish rate, a family must be a registered, supporting and active member of either Annunciation Parish or Immaculate Conception Parish. A supporting and active member of either parish, for this purpose, will be evidenced by use of the parish envelopes for registered families (the amount given will not be evaluated, participation will be). To qualify, a family must participate in the Sunday Service and deposit a Registered Parish Envelope on at least 35 different Sundays throughout the year.
Payment Options

Full tuition may be paid directly to the school by July 1, 2011 to receive a 3% tuition reduction.
One half of tuition may be paid directly to the school by July 1, 2011 and the remaining portion by December 1, 2011. In the event that these two option dates are missed, you will be required to pay monthly through FACTS Program.
Eleven-monthly payments with the FACTS Program Plan (payments begin in July). Should you begin paying through the FACTS Program and decide to pay in full, you must contact the school office. Should you cancel or stop payment on the account that is being debited for payment, the balance will be due in full. Please note all penalties and late fees will continue to be assessed until the balance is paid in full. Payments may be arranged on the 5th or the 20th of every month, or you may pay on a semi-monthly basis on the 5th and the 20th days of each month.

Parent Pledge Program
The increasing cost of operating and maintaining ICA 's programs and facilities now exceed what the school charges in tuition and receives from other fundraising activities. To help close this financial gap, ICA will expect all parents to participate in the Parent Pledge Program by making a tax-deductible pledge of $100.00 per family, per month, for 11 months (August through June). This money collected will go to a separate account which will go towards payment of Teacher Salaries and then to general operating expenses.

Families who qualify for or receive serious consideration for financial aid will be asked to participate at a level commensurate with their particular financial situation. Unlike tuition, your gifts to the Parent Pledge Program are 100 percent tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.

Affiiation: Roman Catholic
Grades Kindergarten - 8
Number of students: 220
Number of teachers: 9
Financial aid: none available

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