California Montebello Montebello Christian School
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Montebello Christian School

136 S 7th Street
Montebello, CA - 90640


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About Montebello Christian School


Registration is $ 351 per child.
New families should pay the registration fee in full with their application.
TUITION PAYMENTS (Payments are August through May):

Kindergarten - ½ Day $ 345 a month for 10 months or $ 3,277.50 if all paid by August 1
Kindergarten - All Day $ 375 a month for 10 months or $3,562.50 if all paid by August 1

1 - 5 Grade
$ 375 a month for 10 months or $ 3,562.50 if all paid by August 1

6 - 8 Middle School
$ 385 a month for 10 months or $ 3,657.50 if all paid by August 1

1 - 5 Grade
2nd Child $ 335 a month for 10 months or $ 3,182.50 if all paid by August 1
3rd Child $ 315 a month for 10 months or $ 2,992.50 if all paid by August 1
4th Child $ 295 a month for 10 months or $ 2,802.50 if all paid by August 1

6 - 8 Middle School
2nd Child $ 350 a month for 10 months or $ 3,325.00 if all paid by August 1
3rd Child $ 325 a month for 10 months or $ 3,087.50 if all paid by August 1
4th Child $ 305 a month for 10 months or $ 2,897.50 if all paid by August 1

Checks or money orders are accepted for all school fees in person or via mail.
Cash is accepted, but must be made in person to the school office, not via your child's teacher.
Exact change is requested.
MCS does not accept credit cards.
A $ 20 per month fee will apply if you are not on the FACTS Tuition Program.

Monthly fees are due on the 10th of each month. If not paid by that date, you will assess a $ 25 late fee.

Day Care is available from 7:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. and at 3:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The charges for Day Care will be billed at the end of each month and are due on the 1st of the following month.

Please do not arrive before 7:00 a.m. The Day Care room will not be open for taking in students.

COST per hour:
$ 5.00 Child rate per hour
$ 7.00 Family rate per hour

Late Pick Up Fee: $15.00 For every 15 minutes after 6:00 p.m.

Fees for the following programs are not determined until after August of each year: Nature Camp (5th & 6th), Hot Lunch Program, Missions, Catalina (7th), Field Trips, Milk, Washington, D.C. (8th), P.T.F. Fundraisers, Yearbook, Graduation Fee, P.E., Clothes, and Sports.

All funds are non-refundable and non-transferrable
REFER A FAMILY TO MCS and receive $100 on your account card once they complete enrollment!

Affiiation: Christian (no specific denomination)
Grades Kindergarten - 8
Number of students: 216
Number of teachers: 9
Financial aid: none available

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