Louisiana New Orleans Holy Cross School
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Holy Cross School

5500 Paris Ave.
New Orleans, LA - 70122


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About Holy Cross School

Financial Information for the 2012-2013 School Year

The Board of Directors of Holy Cross School has set the tuition for the coming school year as follows:
Grades 5 and 6: $5,755.00
Grade 7: $6,091.00
Grades 8 through 12: $7,277.00

Non-Refundable Registration Fee - $300.00 (Discounted Amount)

The Non-Refundable Registration Fee for the 2012-13 school year is $500.00. If the Registration fee is paid by Wednesday, February 10, 2012, an early bird discount will apply and the registration fee will be reduced to $300.00. After February 10, 2012 the registration fee is $500.00. The fully completed on line Student Information Package is due by February 10, 2012. All families are expected to submit the Student Information Package and registration payment via the school's web site. Planning for the coming year, including hiring of staff, cannot occur until next year's enrollment is known. Therefore, failure to remit the completed Student Information Package will result in the following:

1. The student's class schedule will not be processed nor will his elective choices be honored. Where there are waiting lists in grade levels, honors, or Advanced Placement programs, priority will be given to prospective students on the waiting list on a first registered, first served basis.
2. The student will not be permitted to participate in any summer extracurricular or athletic programs including the voluntary use of any facilities in preparation for sports.

Special Note: Families that have paid $300 toward the 2012-13 registration fee as part of the 2011-12 Bank Loan program, MUST also complete the Student Information Package by February 10 in order for the student to be considered registered On-Time. As part of the Tuition Payment Plans for the coming year, the Registration Fee for the 2013-2014 school year must be included as part of the Bank Loan Program. Those families who have a current loan and who choose not to register for the 2012-2013 school year must notify the school via the online registration site by February 10, 2012 in order to receive credit for the 2012-13 registration fee charged.

The Comprehensive Student Fee is $300.00
The Comprehensive Student Fee provides the student with accident insurance, a yearbook, and his first student ID card. It enables a student to participate in the class level retreat program and the national standardized testing program. It includes the cost of required laboratory courses in the sciences, computer science and the fine arts.

The Facilities Fee is $500.00
This fee will provide for the special maintenance required of our facilities.

The Archdiocesan Assessment Fee is $26.50
This fee is paid directly to the Archdiocese of New Orleans Office of Catholic Schools.

Technology Fee - $700.00
This fee is assessed to all students.
Other Fees

Senior Fee - $200.00: This fee is assessed to all seniors. The fee covers the cost of graduation and baccalaureate expenses such as facility rental, caps and gowns, and diplomas.

Eighth Grade Graduation Fee - $50.00: This is assessed to all eighth grade students to cover the expenses of the Eighth Grade Graduation Mass and Ceremony.

Lab Fees for Elective Courses:
Studio Art: $75
Drafting: $25
All Advance Placement Courses: $80
Environmental Science: $30
Physics: $20
Integrated Science: $30
Biology II: $35
Bengal Band Fee (MS): $95
Tiger Band Fee (HS): $145

Late Payment Fee - $200.00: This fee will be paid by all students who have not either:
1) Paid all 2012-13 tuition and fees to the school by May 18, 2012, or
2) Financed all 2012-13 tuition and fees with First Bank & Trust by May 4, 2012.

Holy Cross Bus Service
Those who choose to participate in the school transportation service are required to pay a $150.00 non-refundable registration fee with the bus application. Areas of service and bus rates for the 2012-2013 school year may be found on the Bus Application and Agreement. The only bus service available for the 2012-2013 year will be yearly round trip service. Bus Service is Non-Refundable after May 18, 2012.

Early Payment Date and Multi - Student Discounts
Early Payment: Full payment of all tuition and fees by March 30, 2012 will result in a $150.00 savings per student. No credit cards will be accepted for tuition and fees payment.

Family Tuition: A $150.00 per student discount is allowed on tuition for two or more registered students in the same family.

Family Bus: A $25.00 per student discount is allowed on round trip bus service for two or more registered riders who reside in the same household.

Policy Related to the Payment of Tuition and Fees
There are two methods of tuition payment offered by Holy Cross. The on line registration form provides for a commitment to one of the two methods offered. Holy Cross School does not offer any alternative financing arrangements. Parents are encouraged to consult the Parent-Student Handbook, which includes a section entitled œTuition and Fees . The two methods of payment provide the option of either:

Tuition, student fees, and bus fees can be financed through the First Bank and Trust Tuition Loan Program. The registration fee for the 2013-2014 school year will be included in the Tuition Loan Program for all students except seniors. Because the loan is guaranteed by Holy Cross School, there is no required credit information in order for families to qualify and secure a loan. The loans will be based on ten (10) payments beginning July 1, 2012 and ending April 1, 2013. All loans must be paid as scheduled. First Bank and Trust will notify the school of all delinquent accounts.

Accounts will be considered delinquent if payments are more than 30 days past due. Any loans that are charged back to Holy Cross will require full payment of the unpaid bank balance plus a $200 penalty. Any questions should be referred to the Holy Cross Finance Office. The first loan payment to First Bank will be July 1, 2012.

Loan Application Procedure (New or Returning Students):
Families applying for the First Bank and Trust Tuition Loan Program as well as families who participated last year will be required to sign up with First Bank and Trust via the on line student information package process. When you indicate that you will pay tuition using the First Bank and Trust Loan Program, the program will automatically link you to the First Bank site. If you did not have a loan with First Bank last year, you will be asked to set up an account on the banks website and provide them with up to date personal information to sign up for a new loan. If you signed up for a tuition loan for the last school year, you will be asked to sign into your account and renew your loan for the 2012 - 2013 school year. Please follow their process to secure your tuition loan for the upcoming year. You should proceed with applying for or renewing a tuition loan during the on line registration process.

Please follow all directions on the First Bank web site and be sure your loan process is complete before exiting the program. Any questions concerning the loan process should be directed to the Holy Cross Finance Office or First Bank and Trust.

Affiiation: Roman Catholic
Grades 5 - 12
Number of students: 758
Number of teachers: 56
Financial aid: 7%

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