California North Hollywood Campbell Hall School
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Campbell Hall School

4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd
North Hollywood, CA - 91607


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Tuition costs as reported by our users

$10,000 Date added: Nov 14, 2023

About Campbell Hall School

Elementary School (K-6): $24,615
Secondary School (7-12): $29,615
Other Fees
Tuition Guarantee Plan: $225
Admission Processing Fee (New families only - one time charge): $2,500
Books and Supplies
Elementary School (K-6): $575
*Secondary School (7-12): $200
Environmental Education
Grade 4: $950
Grade 5: $350
Grade 6: $450
Grade 7: $425
Grade 8: $850
Grade 9: $500
Grade 10: $600
Grade 11: $ 1,400
Grade 12: $500
Student Body Fee
Grades 7-8: $65
Grades 9-12: $65
Parent Teacher Council Membership (per family): $15
Yearbook: $115
Graduation (Grade 12 only): $150
Excess Student Accident Insurance (includes health service support)
Grade K-6: $45
Grade 7-12: $75

Affiiation: Episcopal
Grades Kindergarten - 12
In operation since 1944
Number of students: 1091
Number of teachers: 112
Financial aid: 24%

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