California North Hollywood Harvard-westlake School
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Harvard-westlake School

3700 Coldwater Canyon Avenue
North Hollywood, CA - 91604


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Tuition costs as reported by our users

$50,099 Date added: Nov 29, 2015
$40,500 Date added: Sep 3, 2017

About Harvard-westlake School

Harvard-Westlake is a school whose curriculum and programs create an educational environment designed for students who possess both the motivation and the ability to pursue a rigorous college preparatory course of study.

The school strives to provide an education that enables and empowers its diverse students to: develop their intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical gifts; to understand and respect the similarities and differences among themselves and others in their local and world communities; and to learn the habits of mind and self-discipline necessary to live with integrity and purpose as contributing members of society.

Harvard-Westlake will endeavor to fulfill this mission by:

  • promoting an abiding regard for truth and excellence among its students;

  • recognizing that respect for other people, honesty, and courtesy are fundamental standards expected of everyone in the school community;

  • emphasizing logical analysis, clear language, and critical thinking throughout the curriculum;

  • fostering participation in a wide range of useful activities at school and in the larger community designed both to strengthen the self and to respond to the needs and feelings of others;

  • encouraging in its students the development of the self-reliance, independence, and moral strength that are requisites for the responsible exercise of freedom in the world that awaits them after they graduate.

Affiiation: Episcopal
Grades 7 - 12
Number of students: 1590
Number of teachers: 211
Financial aid: none available

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