California Northridge Our Lady Of Lourdes School
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Our Lady Of Lourdes School

18437 Superior Street
Northridge, CA - 91326


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Tuition range: $4,990 - $6,700

About Our Lady Of Lourdes School

Tuition & Fees 2013 - 2014
APPLICATION FEE New Students: $200 per Child
REGISTRATION FEE for Returning Students: $130 per CHILD

SCHOOL FEES are non-refundable
Family Fee - Yard Duty & Yearbook (additional Yearbook can be purchased for $45): $200 per Family
Student Education Fee - (books, technology, educational programs ¦): $300 per Child
Graduation Fees -(8th Grade Only): $150 per child
FESTIVAL Every family will be given two books of festival raffle tickets and separate check needs to be made out to OLL Festival for $80.00. You are then asked to sell/buy the festival books in addition to working a minimum of 15 hours at the festival: OLL Festival $80

Yearly Tuition Rates
Early - Fives: $6,700
One Child: $5,800
Two Children: $10,950
Three Children: $16,400
Four Children: $21,000

Early - Fives: $6,000
One Child: $4,990
Two Children: $9,030
Three Children: $11,500
Four Children: $13,450

An OLL Parishioner is one who demonstrates a pattern (min. 6 months) of regular participation in the Sacramental life of the parish community (min. Sunday Eucharist), and who demonstrates stewardship through regular involvement in parish ministry and envelope contributions.

Every family is required to make a fundraising commitment of $500

FAMILY SERVICE HOURS REQUIREMENT: 40 Service Hours Volunteer hours. Both
plans require 40 hours of volunteer service to the school, a minimum of 20 volunteer hours at the festival. Any uncompleted hours will be billed at a rate of $25/hour.
SCRIP - Both plans require the purchase of $3,000 in scrip. ($1,500 for the first year)
PAYMENT PLANS: All parents are required to choose the following options ONLY:
o Full Payment of tuition on or before June 15, 2013 for $50 discount.
o Eleven (l1) month automatic payments through FACTS from a checking or
savings account - begins in July.
o Ten (10) month automatic payment through FACTS from a checking or savings
account - begins in August.
o Credit Card - those wishing to pay by credit card (MasterCard, American Express
and Discover only), please contact FACTS.

Affiiation: Roman Catholic
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
Number of students: 330
Number of teachers: 12
Financial aid: none available

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