Raskob Day School
Oakland, CA - 94619
Tuition costs as reported by our users
$25,000 Date added: Jan 19, 2018About Raskob Day School
Admissions Procedure
A complete application containing the following must be turned in:
A completed application form
A non-refundable application fee of $100
A letter of introduction in which the student's interests, talents, and current academic challenges are discussed
Recently administered (within three years) individual ability and achievement testing (e.g. WISC III, WJ III, WIAT)
School records (e.g. recent report card)
Individualized Education Plan (IEP or 504 plan) if available
Speech/ Language, Occupational Therapy testing and other additional information which would enhance our understanding of the student, if available
Parent Questionnaire
A Recent Photo
Release of Information
Your application will not be reviewed until the application requirements are completed. After we have received a complete application, you will be contacted to discuss the next steps in the process. These steps consist of student visits and a parent meeting.
Raskob Day School serves bright students with academic difficulties in grades 2-8. Students are accepted into our Elementary or Middle School Programs who are of average or above average intelligence, and whose learning differences make it problematic for them to experience success within a regular classroom or school setting. Raskob students meet the criteria for determining the existence of a specific learning disability. Specifically, a child is determined to have a learning disability if:
The child does not achieve commensurate with his or her age and learning ability levels; and
Evaluation indicates that the child has a severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability in one or more of the following areas:
Oral expression
Basic reading skills
Math reasoning
Written expresssion
Math calculation
Parents who wish to enroll their child should follow the application and admissions process described in the Admissions Procedures. In reviewing applications and test results for placement in the Day School, some factors taken into consideration are:
Age: The age range for acceptance is 7 through 15 years upon graduation. Please note that Raskob will only be able to offer early primary grades (1st and 2nd) if a minimum number of qualified applicants is received. It is imperative that there be an adequate peer group for our students at every grade level.
Grade Placement: Individual educational programming is part of Raskob Day School. Small groups are formed within the classroom according to individual educational needs. The basis for forming these groups is the functional academic level of each individual student. Grade placement follows the normal progression. Once a student is enrolled, retention or \"skipping a grade\" are not parts of our policy.
Behavior: Raskob Day School does not accept students who demonstrate moderate-to-severe behavior or emotional problems.
Family Participation: Special programming requires not only the child's presence at school, but also family involvement. As we share a responsibility with you in promoting the total development of the child, it is absolutely essential for parents/guardians to attend individual and group parent conferences and meetings, and a series of parent trainings, as well as to support the school activities.
Confidentiality of Information
All information concerning your child's academic and psychological records and progress reports are confidential under Federal and State laws (Public Laws 94-142 and 93-380) and California Laws, Chapter 1229, States of 1974.) These reports may not be distributed to any professional or other persons who are not a Raskob Institute/Day School staff member without the written consent, in advance, by the parents or legal guardians of the child, under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, except by court order.
Please contact the school directly for tuition pricing!
Grades 3 - 9
Number of students: 90
Number of teachers: 11
Financial aid: none available