Mother Brunner Catholic Preschool & Early Childhood Center
Trotwood, OH - 45426
About Mother Brunner Catholic Preschool & Early Childhood Center
Young Three's, Three-Year-Old and Pre-K Traditional Preschool Programs
Yearly/Monthly Tuition
Tuesday/Thursday (3 year olds only) 8:00-11:15: 1,170.00/$130.00
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00-11:15: 1,755.00/195.00
Monday-Friday 8:00-11:15: 2,934.00/326.00
Tuesday/Thursday (3 year olds only) 8:00-12:15: 1,575.00/175.00
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00-12:15: 2,367.00/263.00
Monday-Friday 8:00-12:15: 3,951.00/439.00
Tuesday/Thursday (3 year olds only) 8:00-2:45: 2,016.00/224.00
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00-2:45: 3,024.00/336.00
Monday-Friday 8:00-2:45: 5,049.00/561.00
Tuesday/Thursday (3 year olds only) 8:00-6:00: 2,808.00/312.00
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00-6:00: 4,302.00/478.00
Monday-Friday 8:00-6:00: 6,606.00/734.00
*School year is comprised of 38 weeks
*If you need childcare outside the hours of the program you have selected, the cost is $5.00 per hour. Please call in advance to make arrangements.
*There is a $ 75.00 NON-REFUNDABLE REGISTRATION FEE due at the time of enrollment.
*The preschool building opens @ 7:30 a.m. and closes @ 6:00 p.m. Preschool students should arrive by 8:00 a.m. Breakfast is served in the classroom @ 8:00 a.m.
*If you would like a tour or further information, please call 854-7173.
Financial aid: none available