Bergen Catholic High School
Oradell, NJ - 07649
Tuition costs as reported by our users
$1,000 Date added: Nov 10, 2014$10,000 Date added: Apr 23, 2015
About Bergen Catholic High School
2012-2013 SCHOOL YEAR
Tuition and Fee Schedule:
Tuition $14,055.00
$16, 615.00 International Students
Registration Fee $755.00 (Paid at Registration - non refundable)
(to be applied toward monthly tuition billing)
$800.00 (International Students - non refundable)
(to be applied toward monthly tuition billing)
Technology/Infrastructure Fee $300.00 (Billed in September for maintenance and
upgrades of computer technology)
Laptop $1350 (Last year) - To Be Determined
Laptop Software, Accessory, Insurance Fee $450.00 (Billed in July)
Brother Discount:
There is a $1000 reduction in tuition for each brother of a current student.
Payment Options:
Annually: One payment in full due July 25, 2012. A statement will be mailed on July 1, 2012.
Semi-Annually: Two payments, half due July 25, 2012 and half due January 25, 2013. Tuition statements will be mailed on July 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013.
Monthly:Ten payments due July 25, 2012 through April 25, 2013, inclusive. Monthly tuition statements will be mailed. Payments not received by the 25th of each month will incur a finance charge.
Major credit cards are accepted. (Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover and Visa Debit)
Please Note:
- Eligibility to sit for an examination, participate in athletics, activities, and trips and to graduate is dependent upon finances being current.
Grades 9 - 12
Number of students: 816
Number of teachers: 48
Financial aid: none available