California Sacramento Camellia Waldorf School
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Camellia Waldorf School

5701 Freeport Blvd
Sacramento, CA - 95822


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About Camellia Waldorf School

Tuition for 2012-2013
Parent-Toddler..............................................................................Wednesday/Thursday/Friday mornings
2-Day Preschool.........................................................................Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
3-Day Preschool..................................................Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
5-Day Preschool........................................................................Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Kindergarten...........................................................................................................8:15 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
First Grade................................................................................................................8:15 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Second & Third Grades............................................................................................8:15 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.
Fourth through Eighth Grade....................................................................................8:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Annual Tuition
Parent & Toddler: see website for details
2-Day Preschool: $3,321*
3-Day Preschool: $4,311*
5-Day Preschool: $7,632*
Kindergarten: $8,130*
Grades: $9,350*
*payable in 10 payments, July through April

Other Fees
Application fee (non-refundable): $55 per child at time of initial application
Enrollment fee (non-refundable): non-refundable $425 per family at time of initial enrollment
Re-enrollment fee (non-refundable): $425 per family each year
Tuition protection fee (does not apply to Parent & Toddler): 2% of the annual tuition (optional in
certain circumstances, see below)
Late payment fee: $20
Francis Guild fee (Parent Ass'n.): $30
Extended Day Programs
Morning care: 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Unlimited use $342/year payable in 9 monthly payments of $38
Drop-ins: $7 /hour
After School care: Daily until 6:00 p.m.
Unlimited use $2,286/year for school days payable in 9 monthly
payments of $254
Care during parts of Winter Break, Spring Break, Thanksgiving Break
and Teacher Conference Week is charged separately at $43/day or
$26.50/half day (4 hours or less).
Drop-ins $7 /hour
Additional Costs: Recorder or flute range from $65 to $86; violin rental (certain grades only, check with
class teacher).
Sibling Discount: A form of tuition assistance for families with two or more children. Full tuition is charged
for the eldest child. There is a 25% discount for the second child, a 50% discount for the third child, a 75%
discount for the fourth and subsequent children from the same family. Sibling discounts apply to tuition only
and not to fees or childcare charges. The sibling discount applies to Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grades.
Financial Aid: In order to make an education at Camellia Waldorf School available to families from diverse
economic backgrounds, we offer need-based tuition assistance. If you require tuition assistance, please go to for an explanation and to start the process.
Tuition Protection: The Tuition Protection Program reduces the financial impact to the family and the
school should a student withdraw before the end of the school year. It provides for partial payment of any
unpaid charges for the balance of the year: the family will pay for 60 days from written notice of their intent
to withdraw and the fund will pay for the balance of the year. Families who prepay full tuition need not pay
for tuition protection unless they wish to protect their investment; those who prepay and do not pay the fee
must sign a waiver. The Tuition Protection fee appears on the June 1st billing.
Special Services: When necessary teachers may recommend and expect tutoring, external consultations, or
other special services. Fees for special services are the responsibility of the parent.
Entrance Age
The Parent & Toddler program is for children 18 months/walking to 3 years of age. A student seeking
admission to the Preschool program must be 2 years 9 months old by the first day of school and must
have begun toilet training. Students seeking admission to Kindergarten must have turned four no later
than April 30th of the year of admission and be ready for Kindergarten. Students seeking admission to
First Grade must have turned six no later than May 31st of the year of admission and must demonstrate
First Grade readiness. The faculty has found that many children who turn six in May, June, and July are
not fully ready for the first grade and benefit tremendously by continuing in the kindergarten program.
The faculty assesses the readiness of all applicants for the First Grade.
Transferring Students for Second through Eighth Grade
A child transferring from another school should have reached the appropriate birthday, (for example,
seven years old for second grade, and eight years old for third grade) by May 31st of the admission year to
that grade. The appropriate birthday has substantial significance and usually determines the placement of
the child; however, exceptions are determined at the discretion of the admitting teacher where
Preschool Forms: The following information is required under sections of Title 22, California Code Of
1. Identification and Emergency Information - Child Care Centers (LIC 700)
2. Child's Preadmission Health History - Parents' Report (LIC 702)
3. Child's Preadmission Health Evaluation - Physician's Report (LIC 701)
4. Consent for medical Treatment (LIC 627)
5. California School Immunization Records ( œblue card  PM 286) for non-school-age children
6. Current Admission Agreement, with authorized signature(s)
7. Notification of Parents' Rights (LIC 995)Personal Rights " Community Care Facilities (LIC 613A)
Annual Giving: Tuition alone cannot support a Waldorf education. We depend on the generosity of our
entire community to help make up the difference through the Annual Giving Campaign, which begins in the
fall, and through other fundraising events. All of these donations are fully tax-deductible.
Calendar: Classes follow Camellia Waldorf School's academic year schedule, which includes 1 week off
at Thanksgiving, 2 weeks off at the end of December, 1 week off in February, and a 2 week Spring break.
Camellia Waldorf School does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, or national origin, in
admission policy or in the conduct of educational, recreational, or financial aid program.

Affiiation: Nonsectarian
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
Number of students: 121
Number of teachers: 13
Financial aid: none available

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