Michigan Lutheran Seminary
Saginaw, MI - 48602
About Michigan Lutheran Seminary
First child ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ $5,500
Younger child ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ $4,875
Dormitory Students ¦ ¦$1,100
Dormitory students ¦ ¦$2,380
The MLS Governing Board annually sets tuition, room, board and other fees. A portion of the board fee is used to defray the cost of capital improvements.
Incidental fees are various fees for special activities. These fees are charged to a student's account at the time of incurring the debt and are payable by the end of the next billing period.
MLS assumes students are covered by medical insurance through their family. Parents without medical insurance must submit a letter accepting financial responsibility for medical treatment while their child is at MLS.
œMLS Financial Policies, a brochure detailing these fees, may be downloaded for further reading.
International Students
International student fee structures are different than those for domestic students. International students can get information from the MLS contact person in their home countries. They may also contact Prof. Kock, nlk@mlsem.org, for more information about MLS.
Korean Students
Please contact Pastor or Mrs. Kim at East Seoul Canaan Lutheran Church.
Email: canaanmk0198@gmail.com
German Students
Please contact Pastor Albrecht Hoffmann.
Email: pfarrer.ahoffmann@elfk.de
Canadian Students
Please contact Pastor Harland Goetzinger from Ottawa.
Email: goetzinh.@sympatico.ca
Latin American Students
Please contact Pastor Robert Smith of Hastings, Nebraska.
Email: pastor.robert.smith@gmail.com
Students from any country not shown may contact Professor Kock at MLS.
MLS asks that families pay at least 10 percent of the year's tuition, room, board and fees at registration. On the 25th day of each month, September through May, an additional 10 percent of tuition, room, and board fall due. Interest is charged on overdue accounts. There is a 3 percent discount for tuition, room, and board if paid in full at registration. The discount is 2 percent if paid in full prior to each semester. Incidental fees will vary from student to student and are to be paid as they are incurred.
Delinquent Accounts
MLS expects parents experiencing financial difficulties to contact the MLS business office immediately to discuss special arrangements. Failure to keep payments current may jeopardize a student's continued enrollment at MLS.
It is the policy of the WELS Board for Ministerial Education that all accounts must be up-to-date before a student may be allowed to begin another semester at MLS or at another synod school. No transcript of credits may be sent and no diploma may be released to another school unless and until a student's account is paid in full.
Grades 9 - 12
Number of students: 237
Number of teachers: 22
Financial aid: none available