California San Diego St. Charles Borromeo Academy
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St. Charles Borromeo Academy

2808 Cadiz Street
San Diego, CA - 92110


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About St. Charles Borromeo Academy

Tuition 2012 - 2013 yearly/monthly

Level 1 - In Parish & Military Families
K- 4
1 child: $4860/$405
2 children: $9720/$810
3 children: $13,200/$1,100
4 + children: negotiated

5 - 6
Each student: $5,000/$417

7 - 8
Each student: $5,200/$433

Level 2 - Parishioner of a Parish Without its Own School
K - 4
Each student: $4,968/$414

5 - 6
Each student: $5,100/$425

7 - 8
Each student: $5,200/$433

Level 3 - Parishioner of a Parish With its Own School
All Grades
Each student: $5,430/$452.50

Level 4 - Catholic - Non-Prishoner
All Grades
Each student: $5,680/$473

Level 5 - Other Denominations
All Grades
Each student: $5,900/$491.66

Preschool (3 year-olds)
8 A.M. to 12 N, 5 days/week: $3,800

8 A.M. to 12 N, 3 days/week: $3,200

8 A.M. to 12 N, 2 days/week: $2,500

Pre-Kindergarten (4 year-olds)
All Students - 8 A.M. to 12 N, 5 days/week: $3,800

Extended Preschool Care
Option 1: 12 N to 3 P.M.
$2,900, 5 days/week
$2,700, 3 days/week
$2,500, 2 days/week

Option 2: 12 N to 6 P.M.
$4,000, 5 days/week
$3,100, 3 days/week
$2,900, 2 days/week

Hourly Day Care: $8/hour (billed monthly)

Other Fees
Application Fee
The application fee is $30 for each student entering Preschool or Academy. This fee is non-refundable.

Registration Fee
Registration for students entering Preschool or Academy will be $165, due and payable at the time of registration and is non-refundable.

Testing Fees
Testing fees for incoming Kindergarten students is $40 per student and $25 for First through Seventh. This fee is non-refundable.

Paid at the time of registration. PTG dues of $35 per family and PTG donation of $125 for one ticket to the Spring Auction & Dinner. This donation is tax-deductible and non-refundable.

Volunteer Time
In addition to the above listed tuition and fees, each family is expected to perform service hours to help the school, and to assist in a fund raising program for the benefit of the school. Two parent families are required to perform twenty (20) service hours and single parent & military families are required to perform ten (10) service hours. Service points may be earned in the following ways: School Board officers, PTG board members and officers, athletic coaches, field trip supervisors, involvement in fundraisers, traffic supervisors, and yard duty aides. Other option for earning service points may vary based on special skills that parents may offer the school. All parents must complete service points in order to register for the next school year.

Building for the Future Campaign
Families can make a tax deductible donation to Saint Charles Borromeo Academy. These donations will go into a fund to financially assist the Academy to meet extraordinary expenses.

Affiiation: Roman Catholic
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
Number of students: 181
Number of teachers: 13
Financial aid: none available

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