California San Lorenzo Redwood Christian Junior-Senior High School
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Redwood Christian Junior-Senior High School

1000 Paseo Grande
San Lorenzo, CA - 94580


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About Redwood Christian Junior-Senior High School

Tuition & Fees 2012 - 2013

Our tuition includes many fees and programs that may be charged for separately at other Christian/private schools; including activity fees, book fees, consumable materials fees, laboratory fees, music fees (instrumental and choral), athletic transportation fees, and technology fees. Please call (510) 889-7526 or e-mail the Registrar/Superintendent,, for tuition information.

Note: There is no refund on any of the admission fees assuming Redwood has space for the applicant at the time of notification of acceptance or non-acceptance.

Application Fee: $175
Application Fee for I-20 Students: $600

Until June 10, the application fee and half of one-month's tuition (non-refundable) will hold a spot for the student. After June 10, a full-month's tuition (non-refundable) holds the spot until July 10, when a second month's payment is due. Only the first full month's tuition is non-refundable if you withdraw before the first day of school (excepting I-20 students for all of the above).


All payment plans begins on June 1, 2012, or within 15 calendar days of notification of acceptance (whichever is later) and conclude on May 1, 2013. See next column for students who enroll after August.
A discount of 2% is allowed if full tuition is paid by June 10 with cash, check or money order.
The first-child rate refers to the oldest child, etc. Exception: A Concept Help student of any age is considered the first child.
Payments are due the first of each month and are considered overdue after the 10th at which time a $50 late fee per student will be added to the account. Envelopes must be postmarked by the 8th or payment received in any school office by the 10th.
If the family leaves Redwood prior to the end of the school year, the payments are due and payable in accordance with the terms of the Tuition Payment Policies and Procedures for 2012-13.

You will receive in refund only the following:

100% of the admission fee and any tuition paid if there is no space for your child at RCS. Otherwise, no portion of the Admission Fee is refundable.
The amount of tuition you pay in excess of that required to reserve a place at Redwood if you withdraw prior to the first day of school. The amount of tuition required to reserve a place at Redwood (usually the June tuition) is not refundable.
The amount of tuition you pay in excess of the 10-month rate, August through the month of withdrawal, if you withdraw after the first day of school. When a withdrawal occurs during the school year, the 10-month rate for August through the month of withdrawal is retained by RCS.
Overpayment for EDC and/or the bus shuttle. Redwood retains any fees required to register for these services.

Tuition and fees cover basic educational costs, such as salaries, administrative costs, building and equipment maintenance, utilities, classroom expenses and transportation. Parents are encouraged to give toward the General Fund, the Memorial Fund, the Tuition Aid Fund, the New Equipment Fund, and the Building Fund. Contributions to Redwood Christian Schools are tax-deductible and, with the exception of Jog-a-thon gifts, will be receipted.

ECM rates, including extended-day care (EDC), are available from the Extended CARE Ministries office, 510-537-8734, or from the elementary campus offices.

RCS transportation rates and schedules are available at the RCS District Office, 510-889-7526.

Redwood Christian Schools offers limited tuition assistance to families who meet certain economic criteria.

Affiiation: Christian (no specific denomination)
Grades 6 - 12
Number of students: 466
Number of teachers: 29
Financial aid: none available

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