California Temecula Rancho Community Christian School
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Rancho Community Christian School

31300 Rancho Community Way
Temecula, CA - 92592


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About Rancho Community Christian School

2012-2013 TUITION
Early Kindergarten
GRADE EK, ANNUAL $5,000.00, PREPAY $4,900.00, BI-ANNUAL $2,500.00, Monthly $435.00
Elementary School
GRADE K-5, ANNUAL $5,750.00, PREPAY $5,650.00, BI-ANNUAL $2,875.00, Monthly $495.00
Middle School
GRADE 6-8, ANNUAL $6,500.00, PREPAY $6,375.00, BI-ANNUAL $3,250.00, Monthly $555.00
High School
GRADE 9-12, ANNUAL $7,250.00, PREPAY $7,100.00, BI-ANNUAL $3,625.00, Monthly $615.00

Prepay includes a discount if paid by June 1, 2012. Bi-annual payments are due by June 1, 2012, and December 1, 2012. The 12 month payment plan begins on June 1, 2012 and ends May 1, 2013. Monthly payment plan includes a service fee. The monthly payment plan listed above is for payments beginning June 1 and ending May 1.

An application fee of $50.00 per student is due at the time of application. This fee is for new students only, and is non-refundable.
REGISTRATION Jan. 31-Mar. 21 Mar. 22-June 1 After June 1 Returning students $200.00 $250.00 $300.00
(2011-2012 school year)
New students $250.00 $300.00 $350.00
This non-refundable fee covers the cost of setting up computer records, student files, grade reports, and other administrative costs related to assimilating students into a new year.

When more than one child from a family is enrolled, a family discount is given. The first child pays full tuition, and $750.00 is deducted from each additional sibling. The family discount will be deducted based on your payment terms. Family discounts will only be applied to accounts that are current and in good standing.
LATE FEES Tuition and fees are due by the 1st of each month. Fees include but are not limited to: extended care, band, field trips, and athletics. A $35.00 late fee per student will be assessed to past due accounts.

There is a $35.00 fee for all payments returned by the bank. If your payment is returned causing your account to become past due, a late fee will be accessed to your account.
Rancho Christian Schools are contracted with Dennis Uniform Company, as well as Lands End. Each family is required to purchase uniform clothing items before the first day of school to comply with our uniform policy. Please see the Handbook or visit and click on Admissions > Uniforms.

The fee for before and after school care is $5.00 per hour for any portion of an hour. Charges begin at 12:30pm for Early Kindergarten students, 2:00pm for Kindergarten students, 3:00pm for 1st-8th grade. A $1.00 late fee will be charged for each minute after 6:00pm, with a minimum charge of $10.00 per day. Please see the Handbook for more information on extended care.

You are responsible for the entire semester of tuition, whether or not your child is in attendance. This includes student expulsions. Withdrawal notices received after May 1, 2012, will be responsible for the full first semester tuition. Withdrawal notices received after Nov. 1, 2012, will be responsible for the full second semester tuition.

Families with past due accounts will not be able to participate in extracurricular activities such as: extended care, athletics, band, overnight field trips, tutoring, etc. until the account is brought current. If you have any problems paying your tuition or fees, please contact our Accounting Department to discuss payment options.

Parents are required to contribute 20 hours of their time per year, per family. These hours help offset costs that would otherwise increase tuition costs. Parents may opt out at a rate of $10.00 per hour, or a total of $200.00 payable to RCS. Hours will be billed by semester, 10 hours per semester. Hours not served by November 1 will be billed on the December statement. Hours not served by April 1 will be billed on the May statement.
OTHER COSTS Parents should anticipate additional fees for: class pictures, yearbooks, science lab fees, and special events. The fees for overnight trips and camps vary from year to year. The amounts listed below are estimated:
3rd - 12th grade Beginning Band (per semester) $ 200.00
Fine Arts (per course) $ 50.00
Middle School Athletics (per sport) $ 95.00
Cheerleading (additional fee for uniforms)** $ 190.00
High School Athletics (per sport) ** $ 150.00
High School Tackle Football** $ 300.00
Sacramento trip (4th grade)* $ 400.00
Science Camp (6th grade)* $ 225.00
Northern California trip(7th & 8th grades)* $1,000.00
Europe trip (high school students) $3,300.00
*Optional class trips
**Additional fees may be charged for pre-season, transportation, and spirit packs.

Affiiation: Calvinist
Grades Prekindergarten - 9
Number of students: 925
Number of teachers: 40
Financial aid: none available

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