California Torrance St. Catherine Laboure School
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St. Catherine Laboure School

3846 Redondo Beach Blvd
Torrance, CA - 90504


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About St. Catherine Laboure School

REGISTRATION FEE (non-refundable) - Due once a year per student.
$320 per student grades 1-8 $370 per student for kindergarten or junior kindergarten
TUITION - Collection of tuition is handled by Smart Tuition Company. The tuition is payable monthly for 10 months, August-May. Due the 1st of the month and late after the 10th.

Registered Catholic Rate (Those families who support the Church (SCL) through weekly envelope contributions.
1 Student $390 per month
2 Students $695 per month
3 Students $930 per month

Non-Registered Catholic Rate or Non-Catholic Rate
1 Student $ 460 per month
2 Students $ 825 per month
3 Students $1,120 per month

Junior Kindergarten - The tuition for Junior Kindergarten is the 1 Student rate. There is not a family discount rate.
MANDATORY FUNDRAISERS - The tuition rate for all students includes participation in the following fundraisers at these minimum, mandatory levels.
SCRIP $350 - Generate a $350 profit yearly from scrip purchases or donate $350 per family
Candy/Catalog $ 75 - Generate a $75 profit or donate $75 per student
Hawaiian Drawing $ 60 - In ticket sales or donate $60 per student
Fun-Run-Walk $ 75 - In collected pledges or $75 donation per student
Volunteer Fee $250 - per family This fee is paid in August. All families pay the 1st year. If family does a minimum of 25 hrs. of volunteer service, they won't pay the fee the next year.
Entrance Test $ 35 per student for grades 2-8
$ 45 per student for grades K & 1
Late Tuition Fee $ 35 If tuition not paid by the 10th of the month
Returned check Fee $ 25
8th Grade Graduation Fee $100 8th grade only. Payable in December

Affiiation: Roman Catholic
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
Number of students: 440
Number of teachers: 20
Financial aid: none available

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