California Torrance Switzer Learning Center
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Switzer Learning Center

2201 Amapola Court
Torrance, CA - 90501


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About Switzer Learning Center

Federal and state law mandates that special education services be available to eligible children at no cost to their parents. Eligibility and placement for the students are determined by the Individual Educational Plan (IEP). Therefore students are typically referred to Switzer Learning Center from their home school district after the IEP has determined that the public school can not meet the student's needs and would benefit from a referral to a nonpublic school. In some instances, parents elect to send their child to the school as a private pay student. In these instances, evaluation and determination of need for services is conducted at Switzer Center and a private fee arrangement is made.

Students attending this school come from many different school districts (see district map). Typically their students live in the South Bay area of LA County or west of the 110 Freeway and south of the 105 Freeway with the ocean on the western and southern most borders.

This school is qualified to accept students with the following IEP eligibility: Specific Learning Disability (SLD), Emotional Disturbance (ED), Other Health Impairment (OHI) such as ADD/ADHD, asthma, or other health issues, Speech and Language Impairment (SLI) and Autism (AUT) or Asperger's Disorder. They do not serve students with mental retardation or permanent physical handicaps.

Please contact the school directly for details!

Affiiation: Nonsectarian
Grades 3 - 12
In operation since 1966
Number of students: 90
Number of teachers: 9
Financial aid: none available

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