California Pittsburg Royal Oaks Academy
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Royal Oaks Academy

2130 Monostory Court
Pittsburg, CA - 94565


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About Royal Oaks Academy

Royal Oaks Academy is a Private School Satellite Program offering private school enrollment for home-schooling parents (Parent/Teacher PSP). Services iinclude record keeping accountability, educational guidance, encouragement and support for the parent-teacher.

We also offer a On-Site Private School Satellite Program (On-Site PSP) for high school aged children who are having difficulty in the public or private school system and whose parents cannot home school their own. Non-credentialed but experienced adult teaching assistants ensure each student learns, understands, and passes all subjects required by the state of California for graduation from high school. Subject planning, progress reports, semester grades and diplomas are provided.

Parent/Teacher PSP
Royal Oaks Academy facilitates the educational program of each enrolled family under an Private School Satellite Program contract. Parents have ultimate control of, and responsibility for the education of their children, and are free to choose the teaching methods and materials that are best suited to their family and individual students.

On-Site PSP
Students are enrolled in Royal Oaks Academy under an On-Site study contract. Students learn most of their subjects using the computer. Additional non-computer based curriculum is provided on a student-by-student basis. The basic curriculum used is Alpha Omega's Switched On School House and is provided. Any specialized computer curriculum is paid for by the student. Each student must provide their own laptop computer.

- We require that you are a committed Christian
- Membership in HSLDA
- Completion of all enrollment forms (see link below)
- Payment of tuition fee
- Submission of monthly attendance record
- Submission of semester goals and grades
- Submission of Planning and Progress Chart (HS only)
- Attendance with a teaching assistant 1-5 days per week, depending on the needs of the student and parent/s (must be parent supervised when not in attendance).
- Membership in HSLDA (if less than 5 days per week)
- Completion of all enrollment forms (see link below)
- Payment of tuition fee
- Laptop computer - Payment of tuition fee - Laptop computer

$200 per family by July 10th
$275 per family after July 10th
$125 per student per month (1 day per week)
$200 per student per month (2 days per week)
$300 per student per month (3 days per week)
$400 per student per month (4 days per week)
$500 per student per month (5 days per week)

Affiiation: Nonsectarian
Grades Prekindergarten - 6
Number of students: 57
Financial aid: none available

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